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Readme s к редактору


РЕДАКТОР КАМПАНИЙ - Позволяет игроку создавать и редактировать кампании.

РЕДАКТОР КАРТ - Позволяет игроку создавать и редактировать отдельные миссии.

РЕДАКТОР ОБЪЕКТОВ - Позволяет игроку создавать и редактировать entities.

СОЗДАНИЕ МУЛЬТИПЛЕЕРНОЙ КАРТЫ - Основные правила для создания грамотной мультиплеерной карты.

OPTIONS - Позволяет настраивать игровые опции, неокторые из которых действуют и на сам редактор.

CREDITS - Титры. Зажмите SHIFT или CTRL когда кликаете, увидете более веселые тексты.

EXIT - Выход из редактора.


В начало страницы







При создании компании рекомендуется работать вне папки \core.
Создайте новую папку рядом с \core, и запускйте редактор (а потом при тестировании и саму игру) с параметром -path.
То есть:

FT Tools.exe -path MyPath

Или создайте ярлык на рабочем столе с таким параметром.


Readme к редактору

Статьи по основам моддинга

Продвинутые статьи

Новые Статьи

Создание тайлов

Создание спрайтов оружия

Создание портретов

Ландшафтные спрайты

Фоновые Звуки

Озвучка диалогов

Анализ триггеров



Индекс игрока

Статьи по редактору от GoldenBeast

Создание постеров

Диалоги персонажей

Основы созднания компаний

Ошибки при создании карт

Создание нового шрифта

Созданий тайлов в Redviewer






Таким образом вы можете создать свою версию основной кампании (файл campaigns\bos.cam). Вы можете добавлять свои миссии или менять существующие, объекты и т.д., просто храните вашу версию в отдельной папке.

Если вы хотите распространить ваш мод или кампанию среди других игроков, вы можете поступить следующим образом:
1) Заархивируйте все файлы в вашей папке "MyPath" в файл с расширением .bos используя WinZip или WinRAR (желательно сам файл bos с нулевым сжатием, а потом уже в zip-архив с нормальным) сохранив при этом все пути.
2) Рспространяйте ваш мод как архив или .exe файл, который следует распаковать/проинсталлировать в
папку игры, внутрь папки "MyPath" или какой либо другой, в зависимости от того, как вы ее назвали.
3) Пользователи/игроки могут запустить ваш мод/кампанию следующим образом:

BOS.exe -path MyPath

Или можно опять же создать ярлык на рабочем столе с таким же параметром.

В начало темы

Структура папок

Для того, чтобы оставить оригинальные игровые файлы нетронутыми, но сделать доступными для игроков все сделанные вами изменения (новые названия оружия, описания предметов и проч),следует сделать следуещее:
В папке вашего мода(MyPath или еще как нибудь, главное англ. буквами и без пробелов) создайте следующие поддиректории:

..\Fallout Tactics\MyPath\Locale
..\Fallout Tactics\MyPath\Tables
..\Fallout Tactics\MyPath\Locale\Game
..\Fallout Tactics\MyPath\Locale\Gui

Копируйте в них необходимые игровые .TXT файлы и спокойно их редактируйте. Например в файле Fallout Tactics\MYCAMP\locale\game\ITEMS.TXT хранятся описания всех предметов, которые вы можете встретить в игре. Можете создать свой такой файл, но намного проще отредактировать копию.

При запуске "BOS.EXE -PATH MYPATH", игра будет использовать ваш ITEMS.TXT. В случае если она его не найдет или вы его просто не меняли, будет использован оригинальный файл в ..\Fallout Tactics\core\locale\game. Точно таким макаром можно работать со всеми текстовыми файлами. Сначала необходимый файл ищется в вашей папке, затем в папке \Fallout Tactics\core\.., затем в соответствующем файле .BOS files. если уж и там не находит, значит случилось что то действительно нехорошее. :)

В папке \GUI вы можеет отредактировать файлик с титрами и рассказать о всех, кто участвовал в создании вашей компании.

В начало темы

Использование новых карт и кампаний

Под кнопкой SINGLE PLAYER/Одиночная игра есть две новые опции:

CUSTOM CAMPAIGN/Кампания по выбору - Вызывает экран загрузки, показывающий доступные для игры кампаниии. - Отсюда пользователь может выбрать нужную ему кампанию. - После выбора файла, он загрузится и появится окно выбора персонажа.

CUSTOM MISSION/Миссия по выбору - Вызывает экран настройки игры, похожий на настройку многопользовательской игры - Отсюда пользователь может выбрать отдельную кампанию кликнув на кнопке MISSION/Миссия. - После выбора миссии пользователь может нажать START GAME/Начать игру для начала миссии. !!!! Имейте ввиду, что все специфические дял мультиплеера опции на этом экране не оказывают никакого эффекта при одиночной игре !!!!

Основные определения

 Campaign File/Файл кампании
- кампания в Fallout: Tactics это способ как бы объеднить одним сюжетом несколько миссий. Каждая отдельная кампания хранится в .CAM файле, который содержит в себе: карту, месторасположения миссий на карте, случайные встречи, карты с ландшафтом и проч.

 World Map Tiles/Структура карты мира
- карта мира разделяется на квадраты (tiles), с целью расположения в них отдельных миссий, всяческих встреч и карт ландшафта.

 Mission/Добавление миссий
- сначала нужно добавить соответсвующую строку в текстовой файл кампании, и затем импортировать его в кампанию. Строку добавлять нужно обязательно в нужном месте, в свой массив: cores, specials, landscapes. Формат строки можно узнать в том же файле.

 Campaign Text File/Текстовой файл кампании
- для изменения любых данных в файлк кампании следует редактировать файл TABLES\Campaign.TXT и затем импортировать его в кампанию. Хотя в приницпе можно любой другой текстовик, лишь бы он содержал данные в нужном формате.

 Random encounters/Случайные встречи
- отличаются от миссий тем, что попасть на них можно лишь случайно. Случайные встречи разбросаны по квадратам карты, для каждого из которых указывается вероятность данного encounter. На каждый квадрат может прриходится теоретически до 100 encounter-ов (по одной на каждый процент вероятности).

В начало темы

Меню редактора кампаний

===================[ Меню File ] ===================

 New (CTRL-N) - Создать новый .CAM файл.

 Open (CTRL-O) - Открыть существующий .CAM файл

 Save (CTRL-S) - Сохранить текущий .CAM файл

 Save As - Сохранить текущий .CAM под другим именем

 Quit (CTRL-Q) - выход из редактора кампаний в главное меню FT Tools

===================[ Меню Edit ]===================

 Undo (CTRL-Z) - Отменить последнее действие. На данный момент undo - бесконечное.

 Redo (CTRL-Y) - Вернуть последнее действие, которые было отменено.

 Block Undo (ALT-Z) - Отменить группу схожих действий. Просто смотрит последнее, и отменяет все действия похожего типа, пока не найден действие иного типа.

 Block Redo (ALT-Y) - Вернуть группу схожих действий которые были отменены.

 Undo Options - Установить опции для Undo (число отмен, размер буфера)

===================[ Меню View ]===================

 Show Totals (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость на карте мира шанса для random encounter или ландшафта.

===================[ Меню Tools ]===================

 Import Image - импортировать изображение карты мира. Картинка должна быть в формате PNG. Сначала откроется диалог Tile Size dialogue (если ваша карта такогоже размера, что и в Fallout: Tactics - оставьте все default), и лишь затем откроется окно для выбора файла.

 Import Data - импортировать целиком файл Campaign.TXT.

 Import Core - импортировать только секцию основных миссий.

 Import Special - импортировать только секцию уникальных встреч.

 Import Random - импортировать только секцию случайных встреч.

 Import Landscape - импортировать только секцию ландшафтных карт.

 Import Prefabs - импортировать секцию Prefab (уже созданных персонажей).

 Import Recruits - импортировать только данные по рекрутам.

 Import QM List - импортировать данные по инвентарю квартермастера.

В начало темы

Поля и окна

===============[ Status field/Поле статуса ]==============

 File Path - показывет полный путь текущего .CAM файла.

 Res: - первые два поля представляют собой размер области (в квадратах карты), на которую воздействует правый/левый клик по карте мира (при расставлении вероятностей случайных встреч). Третье число определяет на сколько процентов при клике изменится вероятность.

 FPS: - число кадров в секнду.

===============[ Modes field/Поле режимов ]==============

Содержит кнопки для различных режимов редактирования: Pos, Core, Special, Random and Landscape.

========[ Mode-functions field/Поле фунций режимов ]=========

Отображает различную информацию и функции в зависимости от выбранного режима редактирования.

===============[ Main window/Главное окно ]===============

Содержит визуальное представление текущего .CAM файла.
Именно в этом экране размещают и настраивают миссии и случайные встречи.
Операции в этом окне различаются в зависимости от выбранного режима редактирования. Для любого действия, связанного с процентами, будет отображатся значение на квадрат карты плюс цветовая подсветка (от зеленой для 0% до красной для 100%).

В начало темы

Режимы редактирования

===================[Pos mode]===================

Позволяет выбрать стартовую позицию для кампании (место на карте мира, где игрок появится при старте). Просто Left-click на карте в нужном вам месте - появится треугольник.

===================[Core mode]===================

Содержит список основных (сюжетных миссий ).
Сначала выделяете миссию в списке, потом кликаем на карте, чтобы поставить миссию в нужное место.

===================[Special mode]===================

Содержит список специальных (уникальных) случайных встреч.
Тоже сначала выбираем из списка, затем кликаем на карте и устанавливаем. В отличии от сюжетных миссий, для случайных встреч можно указывать шанс столкновеняи игрока с ними. Левый клик увеличивает вероятность, правый - уменьшает. На сколько уменьшает/увеличивает - устанавливается в крайнем справа поле (вверху расположены три, первое и второе - размер квадрата, на который действует клик). В один квадрат можно впихнуть несколько енкаутеров.
//Вообще с этими вероятностями заморочка неслабая: если в клетке один енкаутер, то вероятность либо 100 либо 0. Если ставим второй, то вероятность каждого автоматически уменьшается, но для special (особенно если тыкать область 5х5) - правила изменения вероятности какие дикие и непонятные
По умолчанию у всех уникальных встреч вероятность =0.

===================[Random mode]===================

Содержит список обычных случайных встреч (рейдеры всякие, мутанты).
Принцип тот же что и для специальных втреч, только здесь нормально работает третье поле и веротяность можно увеличивать или уменьшать. Если в квадрате стоит несколько енкаутеров, можно наткнуться хоть на все сразу.
//учтите, на то , насколько будет менятся вероятность, влияет и то, сколько еще энкаутеров в данной клетке и какова их вероятность. Потому при расстановке таких миссий картина на первый взгляд анналогична пред. пункту, но на самом деле все пучком, и все регулируется.
//данные енкаутеры представляют собой не отдельные карты-миссии, а просто массив записей forces = {} в файле CAMPAIGN.TXT

===================[Landscape mode]===================

Содержит список ландшафтных карт (если игрок просто зайдет на пустой квдрат карты, то он попадет именно на такую карту). Плюс такие карты используются как ландшафт в случаных встречах. Все остальное польностью идентично пред пункту.

В начало темы

В начало страницы











Основные определения

 Mission Maps/ Карты миссий, уровней
- Каждая отдельная миссия в Fallout: Tactics состоит из (содержит в себе?) Mission Map.
//вобщем масло масленное какое то, каждая миссия состоит из миссии - прим. переводчика
- Каждая отдельная Mission Maps хранится в .MIS файле. Этот .MIS файл содержит все данные по миссии, включая расположение тайлов, объектов, а также скрипты.

- Каждая Mission Maps разделена на участки называемые Regions.
- Region это квадрат со стороной в 256 World Units (Мировые единицы?) (примерно 43 тайлов пола/земли)
//ну или половых тайлов :)- прим. переводчика
- World Unit равен 25cm в реальном мире, и это наименьшая расстояние/ величина, доступная в Редакторе уровней.

 Tiles/ Тайлы
- Вся геометрия Mission Map построена на Tiles/тайлах.
//тайл - обычная картинка нарисованная в изометрической проекции (под углом 30 градусов),
//то есть будучи по сути двумерной, создает иллюзию 3D или точнее 2.5D - прим. переводчика

Tiles это единичные кусочки геометрии которые располагаясь рядом, вместе формируют ландшафт, здания и другие графические объекты.
- Различные тайлы имеют различные физические свойства. Большинство является "непроходимыми" для персонажей,
но сквозь неокторые можно смотреть, стрелять, взбираться на них или проходить через них.
- Каждый тайл имеет bounding box.
//bounding box - ограничивающий [вмещающий] прямоугольник - реальный термин в //компьютерной графике - прим. переводчика
Этот box является трехмерным образом занимаемого тайлом пространства. Это пространство translated/переводится в collision data/данные о столкновениях означающих что тайл может заблокировать путь, остановить пули и т.д..
- Тайлам НЕЖЕЛАТЕЛЬНО перекрываться друг с другом. Если тайлы имеют пересекающиеся границы, они будут показаны пульсирующим красным, показывающим, что в данном месте имеется проблема.
//то есть прежде чем ложить на землю вертолет, удалите из под него тайлы земли/floor tiles.
//Требование видимо связано в особенностями движка - прим. переводчика.

 Clips/ Клипы
- Выделенные тайлы в Mission Map можно скопировать в буфер обмена, и затем сохранить
дял дальнейшего использования. Такое выделение называется Clip. Clips/клипы можно сохранять,
затем загружать и вставлять в Mission Map. Изза ограничений в редакторе, буфер обмена
нельзя использовать при работе с двумя различными картами, изза чего и приходтся использовать клипы.

 Tile Set/ Набор тайлов
- Выделенные тайлы в Tile List Directory/Списке выбора тайлов можно built up (????) и сохранить для дальнейшего использования. Такое выделение называется Tile Set. Tile Set можно сохранять, затем загружать и вставлять в Mission Map.

 Entity/ Объекты
- Любой объект на карте, который требует активных взаимодействий зовется Entity/Активный объект. Entities
могут быть разных типов и иметь самые различные свойства в зависимости от их назначения.
- Примером Entities могут служить Actors/актеры (персонажи игрока и компьютеные персонажи), Оружие (от ножей до миниганов), Химикаты (Включая стимпаки и ментат), разнообразные вещи и Breakables/ломающиеся предметы.

В начало темы


===============[МЕНЮ FILE]===============

 New (CTRL-N) - Создать новый .MIS файл.

 Open (CTRL-O) - Открыть существующий .MIS файл

 Open Tiles Only - Открыть существующий .MIS файл без загрузки entities.

 Save (CTRL-S) - Сохранить текущий .MIS файл

 Save As - Сохранить текущий .MIS файл под новым именем

 Quit (CTRL-Q) - Выход из редктора уровней в главное меню

===============[МЕНЮ EDIT]===============

 Undo (CTRL-Z) - Отменить последнее действие. На данный момент undo - бесконечное.

 Redo (CTRL-Y) - Вернуть последнее действие, которые было отменено.

 Block Undo (ALT-Z) - Отменить группу схожих действий. Просто смотрит последнее, и отменяет все действия похожего типа, пока не найден действие иного типа.

 Block Redo (ALT-Y) - Вернуть группу схожих действий которые были отменены.

 Undo Options - Установить опции для Undo (число отмен, размер буфера)

 Cut (CTRL-X) - Вырезать.

 Copy (CTRL-C) - Копировать.

 Paste (CTRL-V) - Вставить.

 Select All (CTRL-A) - Выделить все видимые тайлы.

 Unselect (CTRL-U) - Отменить выделение

 Delete Entities - Удалить все entities с карты

 Delete Leaked Entities - Утилита разработчиков, которая мало применима для создания карт.

===============[МЕНЮ VIEW]===============

 Origin (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость центра .MIS файла - красных линий

 Region (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость границ regions/регионов - синих линий

 Camera Boundary (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость зоны, ограничивающей перемещения камеры - желтых линий

 Place Height Guide (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость bounding box текущего тайла extended to/растянутого до 0 уровня - светло синия рамка

 Show Floor Tile Grid (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость сетки из ячеек 6x6, которая представляет собой корректное месторасположение тайлов земли (Floor Tiles) - светло зеленые линии

 Placement Bounding Box (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость bounding box вокруг выбранного для расположения тайла - светло зеленая рамка

 Selection Bounding Box (ON/OFF) - НЕ РАБОТАЕТ (предполагалось, что данная опция будет включать небольшой зеленый куб рядом с курсором, и растянутую рамку для выделения можно будет двигать туда-сюда, но похоже что опция не работает или отключена, поэтому рекомендуется ее и не трогать.

 Show Tile Graphic (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость всех тайлов на карте - полезно при работе только с Entities

 Show Tile Bounding Box (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость bounding box для всех тайлов - черная рамка

 Show Invisible Objects (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость всех так или иначе невидимых entities (таких как источники света, стартовые точки/spawnn points)

 Level Ghosting (ON/OFF) - НЕ РАБОТАЕТ (чего предполагалось делать - тоже неизвестно) //у меня чего то делает, но конкретно не разбирался - прим. переводчика

 Level Color Ghosting (ON/OFF) - Окрашивает тайлы согласно их расположению на цветной шкале высот (правый край экрана).

 Only show tiles on current level (ON/OFF) - Показывает тайлы только на выбранном в данный момент уровне (на шкале высот).

 Reveal Cursor Position (ON/OFF) - Убирает тайлы перед курсором, относительно позиции курсора на текущем уровне. Тайлы заменяют их bounding boxes-ы.

 Stipple Reveal (ON/OFF) - Работает как Reveal Cursor Position, но не удаляет тайлы, а рисует их пунктиром (рисует каждый 2-й пиксель).

 Enable Roof Popping (ON/OFF) - При наведение курсора на крышу, последняя становится невидимой.

 Floor Hiding (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость всех тайлов, которые попадают в категорию "floor" category (размеры 6x6 units, 1 unit в высоту, помните что 1 unit =25 см)

 Enable Occlusion (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость тех тайлов, которые скрыты генерированием occlusion data (любой тайл, который не может быть нормально увиден без убирания/скрытия крыши и стен).

 Antialiased Sprites (ON/OFF) - Включает сглаживание/alpha-channel для спрайтов.

 Antialiased Tiles (ON/OFF) - Включает сглаживание/alpha-channel для тайлов.

 Dynamic Lighting (ON/OFF) - Переключает видимость динамического освещения, включая объекты освещения и установки фоновго освещения.

 Smooth Shading (ON/OFF) - Включает Toggles smooth shading/затушёвывание (поверхностей) с плавными цветовыми переходами для динамического освещения.

 Dynamic Shadows (ON/OFF) - Включает динамические тени в пределах карты.

 Show Mini Map - Показывает окно мини карты (которое мы видим в игре внизу слева). Данное окно нельзя закрыть используя данную опцию.

 Show Tile Info Pop-Up (ON/OFF) - Показывает информацию о тайлах при наведении на них курсора.

===============[МЕНЮ TOOLS]===============

 New Occlusion Data - Генерировать новую occlusion data, используемые для скрытия любого тайла, невидимого изза стен или крыши.
При этом увеличивается FPS.

 New Group Data - Генерировать новую occlusion data. Group Data используется в уровнях и roof-popping/сокрытие крыши.

 Re-Sort Tiles - Обновить sorting data для тайлов.

 Output Tile List - Создает текстовой файл без расширения, в котором приведен список всех используемых тайлов в данном .MIS файлеfile, включая полные пути к ним.

 Copy Min Tile Set - Копирует все тайлы используемые в данном .MIS файле в папку \FALLOUT-BOS\CORE\MIN_TILE_SET.

 Make Picture - Создает полноразмерный скриншот карты в формате JPG, используя все установленные опции (то есть, если вы включили невидимые объекты, они также будет и на картинк. Файл сохраняется в той же папке, где находтся файл кмиссии. Известны случаи вылетания редактора на некоторых машинах. Поэтому поставьте размер файла подкачки побольше (400MB или больше) - должно помочь.

 Import Sound File - Импортировать текстовой файл, в котором описаны все звуки окружающей среды и музыка для мисии (расширение .txt).
//формат такого файла приведен в готовых файлах для любой миссии - прим. переводчика

 Import Sound Zones - Импортировать файл звуковых зон (.szn). Полезно, если над звуком работает кто то другой, а вы сосредоточились напримера на триггерах. Таким образом вы вдвоем можете работать над миссией одновремеено.

 Export Sounds Zones - Экспортировать все зоны, помеченные как звуковые, для дальнейшего импортирования в более поздние или альтернативные версии карты.

 Update Tiles Used - Заново загружает все тайлы на карте. Полезно, если часто меняете тайлы.

 Refresh Border/Grids - Обновить все затенения, которые появляются на краях карты относительно границ перемещения камеры.

 Allows Shadow/Don't Allow Shadow - Пометить тайл как разрешающий накладывать тень на себя, или наоборот.

 Allow Popping/Don't Allow Popping - Пометить тайл как неисчезаемый [никогда не удаляется при roof popping], или наоборот.

 Ethereal/Not Ethereal - Пометить тайл как прозрачный и не твердый, или наоборот. Установлено по умолчанию для Floor tiles с большими дырками в них.

 Window/Not Window - Пометить тайл как прозрачный и твердый, или наоборот. Установлено по умолчанию для оконных тайлов.

 Climbable/Not Climbable - Пометить тайл как взбираемый [то есть персонаж будет способен схватить его и взбиратьс], или наоборот. Установлено по умолчанию для лестничных тайлов.

 Invisible/Not Invisible - Пометить тайл как невидимый [не будет отображаться в игре], или наоборот. Чаще всего используется для создания больших дыр в перекрытиях для нормальной работы roof popping.

 Exit/Not Exit - Пометить тайл как часть зоны выхода для данной карты, или наоборот. Зона выхода выключается в игре используя триггеры.

 Dump Actors - Экспортировать список всех объектов-актеров в текстовой файл прямо в корень диска С:. Используется только для грубого подсчета получаемого опыта.

В начало темы


===============[STATUS FIELD/ПОЛЕ СТАТУСА]===============

 File Path - Показывает полный путь к текущему .MIS файлу.

 Coordinates - Показывает координаты текущей позиции относительно текушего уровня высоты.

 Res: - Пазрешение "сетки защелкивания/приклеивания"/"snap-to", к которой помещаемый тайл будет автоматически
"прищелкнут/приклеен". Введение значение до 99 позволит пользователю заполнить растянутый(выделенный?) регион случайно расположенными тайлами.
//выбираем тайл, ставим значение 2, растягиваем рамку - тайлы будут заполнять все не
//сплошным ковром, а через один чем больше значение, тем реже тайлы располагаются,
//но не рандомом, а вполне упорядоченно - прим. переводчика

 FPS: - Число кадров в секунду.
//больше ни в одном игровом редакторе такой фичи не видел :) - прим. переводчика

===============[MODES FIELD/ПОЛЕ РЕЖИМОВ]===============

Содержит в себе кнопки для различным режимов редактирования: Select, Tile, Entity, Entity Edit, Auto Group, Man Group, Level (подробное разъяснение см дальше)


Отображает различную информацию и функции в зависимости о выбранного режима редактирования.

===============[MAIN WINDOW/ГЛАВНОЕ ОКНО]===============

Содержит в себе визуальное представление текушего .MIS файла.
Все расположения и манипуляции Tiles-ми и Entities-ми происходят в этом окне.
Действия внутри этого окна различны в зависимости от выбранного режима редактирования.

===============[HEIGHT FIELD/ЛИНЕЙКА ВЫСОТЫ]===============

Цветная шкала высот для текущей карты.

Left-Click - выбирает уровень высоты для редактирования

Left-Click-Drag - перемещается между уровнями высоты

 с зажатым пробелом:

Left-Click-Drag (UP/DOWN) - двигает саму линейку высоты вверх вниз
//то есть просто сдвигается вверх вниз нулевая отметка и цвета на линейке, цвета уровней не меняются - прим. переводчика

Right-Click-Drag (UP/DOWN) - меняет масшатаб линейки

PGUP - сдвигает уровень высоты на один unit вверх.

PGDN - сдвигает уровень высоты на один unit вниз.

HOME сдвигает уровень высоты на один уровень вверх.

END - сдвигает уровень высоты на один уровень вниз.


Когда курсор расположен над тайлом и оставлен так на некоторое время, всплывает данное окно.

 Tile Details: - Полное имя тайла.

 Bounding Box v1: - Координаты нижнего, ближайшего угла тайла.

 Bounding Box v2: - Координаты Верхнего, дальнего угла тайла.

 Ycoord: - Уровень, на котором тайл расположен.

 Flags: - Показаны все флаги, которыми тайл обладает.

 MGrp: - Показывает название Manual Group к которой принадлежит тайл.

 AGrp: - Показывает название Auto Group к которой принадлежит тайл.

 UGrp: - ???? Только для отладки.

 Occl: - Группа, которая должна появится, когда этот тайл станет видимым.

=============[MINI MAP WINDOW/ОКНО МИНИ КАРТЫ]=============

Отображает карту для текущего уровня высоты, построенную на основе тайлов.
Различные типы тайлов и entity будут показаны различными цветами.

 Цвета на карте

Стены - Ярко зеленый
Объекты - Темно зеленый
Лестницы - Желтый
Actors/Актеры - Соотв. цвет команды
Транспорт - Синий

 Scale - Текущий масштаб для карты. Полезные значекния - от 0.1 до 5.
 Кнопка OK - Закрыть окно мини карты.

В начало темы


==============[SELECT MODE - F1/РЕЖИМ ВЫДЕЛЕНИЯ]==============

Данный режим позволяет пользователю манипулировать тайлами, которые были помещены на карту.
Скрытые тайлы нельзя выделить, даже как часть выделения растягиваемой рамкой.

В поле функций отображаются следующие кнопки:

 Load Clip - Загрузить clip из внешнего .CLP файла в буферобмена, откуда он может быть вставлен на карту(CTRL-V).

 Save Clip - Сохранить буфер обмена во внешний .CLP файл. Сначала выделяется группа тайлов, затем копируется (CTRL-C) в буфер обмена.

 Update Bad Bounding Box Info - Данная опция ищет все плохо сочетающиеся тайлы и говорит вам об их количестве. Такие тайлы будут подсвечивать пульсирующим красным цветом.

 Delete all bad tiles - Удалить все найденные "плохие" тайлы.

Доступны два режима выделения:

 1.Use Bounding Box/Использовать рамку
Left-Click выделяет тайл на текущем уровне высоты в позиции курсора.
Left-Click-Drag выделяет несколько тайлов на текущем уровне высоты внутри прямоугольной зоны.
ALT-Left-Click-Drag выделяет все тайлы на всех уровнях внутри прямоугольной зоны.

 2. Use Visible Check/Использовать визуальное выделение
Left-Click выделяет тайл под курсором, независимо от уровня высоты.

 Editing Tiles/Редактирование тайлов
CTRL-DEL удаляет любой выделенный тайл.
CTRL-C копирует выделенный тайл.
CTRL-V вставляет тайл.

Удерживая CTRL и используя клвиши со стрелками, можно двигать выделенный тайл.

Для изменения числа юнитов, на которые сдвигается тайл, напечатайте новое значение в поле "Res:" /вверху справа.
CTRL-PGUP сдвигает выделенный тайл на один юнит вверх.
CTRL-PGDN сдвигает выделенный тайл на один юнит вниз.
CTRL-HOME сдвигает выделенный тайл на один уровень высоты вверх.
CTRL-END сдвигает выделенный тайл на один уровень высоты вниз.

===============[TILE MODE - F2/РЕЖИМ ТАЙЛОВ]===============

В поле функций отображаются следующие кнопки:

 Selected for Placement: - Число тайлов, выделенных в данный момент для расположения. Удерживая shift и выделяя различные тайлы, вы можете, создав таким образом Tile Set, вставить сразу группу тайлов.

 Load Tile Set - Загрузить ранее сохраненный файл группы тайлов .TSE.

 Save Tile Set - Сохранить выделенную группу тайлов в .TSE файл.

 Tile Screening Toggles - Для ускорения работы и лучшей навигации по списку тайлов, можно отфильтровать тайлы.
ALL: Показывать все тайлы в выбранной директории.
N/S/E/W: Показывать тайлы, соориентированные только в данном направлении.
NONE: Не показывать картинки тайлов вообще

 Tile List Scale - Размер тайлов для выбора. По умолчанию - 0.5. Полный размер - 1.0.

 Tiles List/Directory Structure - Список директорий и тайлов внутри их.
Left-Click на тайле выделяет его для установки на карте.
Shift-Left-Click на нескольких тайлах позволяет пользователю добавлять их в выделение.
Double-Left-Click на директории открывает данную директорию.
Кнопка UP передвигает на один уровень вверх по структуре папок.

 Placing Tiles/Размещение тайлов на карте
Помещение тайлов на карту происходит в главном окне.
Left-Click в окне помещает один тайл.
Left-Click-Drag помещает несколько тайлов.
Если расположить один тайл над другим с одинаковыми границами, новый тайл заменит старый.

!!!! Замечание: There are occasional errors where the flags attached to Tiles are not brought in when that tile is initially placed in the map. To fix this problem, ALWAYS use the TOOLS\UPDATE TILES USED and then the TOOLS\NEW OCCLUSION DATA tools (IN THAT ORDER) before saving a map for public consumption !!!!

===============[Entity mode - F3]==============

 Player Index - This number refers to the player controller [found in the LEVEL MODE]. The name to the right of this field is the name of the relevant controller. All entities will be placed as part of the controller that this number is set to [ie, if it's set to 0, the entities will be placed as part of the Scenery controller]. The Player Index number can be edited using the ENTITY EDIT MODE.

 Tag Field - Allows you to place entities with a tag already attached to them.
Entity List/Directory Structure - A list of directories and the entities within them. Use the UP button to move upwards through the directory structure. Note that you cannot move outside of the BOS\ENTITIES directory.

 Placing Entities - Entity placement occurs in the Main Window. Left-Click in the editor places a single entity. Note that the entity will only be placed on "valid" positions within the map. For example, it cannot be placed on open space where there are no tiles for it to rest on.

===============[Entity edit mode - F4]==============

- Every entity has different properties, so this window will reflect the properties of whatever entity is selected.

 Editing Entities in the Main Window.
- To select a placed entity, Left-Click on it. To drag an entity around, Left-Click and drag it. Note that the entity will only move to "valid" positions within the map.

===============[Auto group mode - F5]==============

Displays the groups that are automatically generated by the code. Each group has a number and name. By default, these automatic groups should be left alone as generated by the TOOLS/NEW OCCLUSION DATA option.

 Select Tiles in Current Group - Selects all tiles in the currently selected Group.

 Enabled All Groups - Turns the visibility of all Auto Groups to on.

 Auto Groups List - Double-Left-Click toggles the visiblity of the selected group.

===============[Man group mode - F6]==============

NOT USED - Displays groups manually created by the user. These groups were originally used as editing tools.

 Add Selected Tiles To Group - Adds all currently selected tiles to the currently selected group.

 Remove Selected From Group - Removes all currently selected tiles from the currently selected group.

 Select Tiles in Current Group - Selects all tiles in the currently selected group.

 Enabled all Groups - Turns the visibility of all Manual Groups to on.

 Manual Groups List - Double-Left-Click toggles the visibility of the selected group.

 New Group - Creates a new group with a name defined by the user. All currently selected tiles will automatically be added to the new group.

 Delete Group - Deletes the currently selected group, never to be seen again (no undo!). This DOES NOT delete the tiles associated with that group.

===============[Level mode - F7]==============

Contains various settings for the World.

Camera Bounds Buttons

 Set Top - Left-Click in the Main Window sets the top-most limit of the Camera Extents.

 Set Bottom - Left-Click in the Main Window sets the bottom-most limit of the Camera Extents.


 Force Start Hour - When this option is check on, the map is forced to start at the hour in the Start Hour field when the player enters the map.

 Start Hour - Defines the start hour (in a 24 hour clock) and thus the light level of a mission. To test a level's lights at night, set this field to 22 and click on the Force Start Hour toggle, then refresh the screen (by pressing R).

 Game Type - Used to define the type of Mission Map. Single Player Mission Maps are flagged as custom by default. Multi Player Mission Maps must be flagged as the appropriate type of mission desired.

 Max Players (Multiplayer) - Sets the number of players (not characters) that can join this map in Multi Player.

 Nuke Triggers on Exit - For Single Player Missions Maps. When the player leaves the mission map, all scripting triggers are removed.
 Is Bunker - For Single Player Mission Maps. Flags this map as a Bunker Map.

 Allow Vehicles - Allows the player to enter this map with any vehicles that they have taken into the World Map. All Mission Maps flagged as Bunkers should also have this flagged.

 Minimap - Opens the Minimap window, where the user can select and configure a map for the PipBoy (see elsewhere for details)

 Team - Allows you to set the alignment matrix for different teams.

 Player - Allows you to create, edit and remove Player controllers.

 Speech File - Allows you to select the appropriate speech file for the mission. The Chat and Speech nodes used in Speech are built from this file. The current speech file is displayed at the bottom of the LEVEL MODE area.

 Speech - Allows the user to create, edit and remove Chat and Speech nodes. These nodes are then assigned to different actor entities within the map.

 Triggers - Contains the Triggers used for scripting. All Triggers are made up out of Conditions [which must become true before the rigger will execute] and Actions [which will execute once the conditions become true].

 Speech File Display Field - Displays the name of the speech file for the current mission map. Only one speech file can ever be assigned at one time.

===============[Zone mode - F9]==============

- Allows you to create, edit and delete Zones.

- A zone is a 3D volume used for scripting purposes. They appear as colored boxes in the Main Window, with the name of the zone displayed in the bottom-most corner.

- It is best to place a zone on the same height as the floor tiles for a particular level.

 Add - Add a new zone at the center of the screen.

 Remove - Remove the currently selected zone.

 Top - Set the top-most corner of the zone.

 Bottom - Set the bottom-most corner of the zone.

 Height - How tall the zone is. A setting of 1 is usually adequate for a single-level zone.

 Name - Enter a name for the currently selected zone.

 Color - Select a color for the currently selected zone.

 SoundZone - This flags the selected zone as one that interacts with ambient sound.

===============[Entity list window - F8]==============

Lists all of the entities placed in the level (and I mean ALL, down to the non- removable punch entities used by the actors).

В начало темы

Создание карты


 This is a guide to creating new levels and modifying those that are already built.  In general, the measurements in this document are based on floor tiles.

===============[Starting a New Level]==============

Number of Regions
 When creating a new mission, use the default 10x10 regions. Regions with no tiles in them take up no space.

Boundary Tiles
 Allow for 12 tiles on each side of your map to be sacrificed to the camera boundary. Place your boundary on the inside of these tiles, essentially in the middle of the 13th tile.

The 66/33% Rule
 Ideally, the floor-space of any room should be at least 66% clear and free for gameplay [i.e. clear so that a character can walk around in it]. The other 33% can be taken up with objects, walls that obscure the floor, etc.
 Remember that the front wall on most rooms takes up about 10% of the room [dependent on size, obviously].

===============[Think Bigger ]==============

 One of the overall problems is the amount of floor-space we have and the sizes of rooms. So we need to think bigger.
The 66/33% Rule helps, but in general buildings need to be larger than you would logically expect them to be. Reality has no place here :).

 Corridors must be a minimum of 5 tiles wide.
 Underground, natural corridors [like caves] should be 5 tiles wide, except for deliberate choke points.

Wall Heights
 If you want a 2-story-tall room [for example, a warehouse that is 2 stories tall but has no 2nd-floor floor tiles], then you'll need to compensate for the amount of space that the second story obscures by enlarging the room.

Road Width
 Roads need to be a minimum of 8 tiles wide, a maximum of 12.

Catwalks and Walkways
 Must be a minimum of 2 tiles wide.

 Stairwells should be a minimum of 2 tiles wide and 3 tiles long.
 Allowing for the roof-caps that will cut into the space this provides, it still means that there is 10 world units of width to a staircase, just enough for 2 people to walk past each other.
 Always facing the camera. Never build stairs that slope away from the camera [and thus conceal themselves from the player].

===============[Fleshing the level out]==============

Less Clutter
 Keep the 66/33% rule in mind when populating a level with objects. Remember, you probably only have 20% left of the floor-space to put objects on.
 Keep it subtle: 2 bookcases will usually do the work of 3.

Floor Tiles
 Because we can't take up floor-space with objects, we need to take it up with interesting floor-tiles instead.
 If a room is looking a little bare and plain, use some of the various floor tiles to flesh it out.

==============[Изменение существующей картыt]=============

 Reclaiming the Floor - If you need floor-space back, don't just delete your objects. See if there is a way to enlarge the room that they are in instead.

 Expanding the Level - If you need larger rooms but cannot get them into the space you have, then expand your level to take up another region.

==============[General rules]=============

Avoid Line-Up
 Corridors that are one floor unit wide are too thin. Corridors that are three units wide will visually have the top of the front-edge wall line up with the bottom of the rear-edge wall in a confusing manner. Avoid this at all costs!

 All lights should be tagged with the "night only" tag, unless they are underground or otherwise out of direct sunlight. This is to avoid the bleaching affect that lights have on daylight maps.

В начало темы

Setting up actors

An actor is any living (or once living) object in a map. Robots, Raiders, Human characters, anything. It also includes corpses if you want to add a few to a special map. Actors are controlled by an AI Controller and also by their Nature.

===============[Player Index]==============

 The Player Index is a way to group several actors together under one type of
AI. If you have a group of raiders on patrol they would be one player index,
the guards at the gates would make a second index, and so on.
 The human player is always player index number 1 (Human).
 Player index 0 is a special index for any scenery entities such as lights,
waypoints and spawn points
 Name each player index something informative and make sure it is set to
computer control (except for index 0 and index 1)
 Setup each index AI as needed.

===============[AI Controllers]===============

 Each player index has a controller type, changed by using the "Setup AI"
 Any AI setup under this button will affect any actor using that player index.
 Controller Type defines what the actors do when they are not in combat. This
can be following a set of waypoints, standing still, wandering around, etc.
 Move Target Tag is used when the controller type is set to waypoints or random
waypoints. It tells the AI which waypoints to use.
 Move Type Priority tells the actor how determined they are to do what the
controller tells them too. If you set this high the actor will ignore anything
around them to try to follow its orders. If set above 8 an actor will run
rather than walk.
 Working Zone is the area the actor spends most of his time in. This is not
 Retreat Zone is where the actor will flee too if in trouble. If this isn't
set they will flee to the edge of the working zone.
 Never leave zone. If this is set an actor will NEVER leave the working zone.
Be careful about using this, as it can cause some strange AI behavior, such as
refusing to take that last 2 steps so they can punch the player.
 Aggression states how likely the actor is to attack an enemy, and how likely
they are to chase them down if they try to flee.
 Communicate dictates how far around them the actor will inform friends when
they are attacked or when they see an enemy. 10 means the entire map, 0 means
the group doesn't communicate.
 Mobility dictates how often the player will move when set to waypoints/random
waypoints/perimeter. If set at 10 they will constantly walk the path, 1 means
they will take a few small steps towards their next point and wait before moving

===============[Entity Edit]===============

 After placing the actors in the map it is possible to refine their AI more.
 Click on entity edit, and select an actor.
 Level is a base added to the characters current level. This modifies skills
as well so a higher level actor will have higher skills.
 Race Type is the type of actor. There is little need to change this flag.
 Gender should be fairly easy to understand. If not, seek help :)
 Start Posture is what pose you want the character to default to. Useful for
solid emplacements or ambushes. Note that some characters done have the ability
to go crouched or prone.
 Random Speech is the actors floating text. I'll go into more detail in the
speech section.
 Click Speech is an actors speech when talked too.
 Enable Scripted Events sends a message to the trigger handler any time this
actor performs an action using a skill. More details in the trigger section.
 Is Recruitmaster/Quartermaster are both fairly self-explanatory, and shouldn't
be played with.
 Can Barter/Can Gamble once again is to enable Bartering/Gambling for a
specific character
 Tag Name is used to track specific actors and entities. Can be used in
triggers to select a single special actor in an otherwise normal player index.
It is also used to link keys to doors and switches to anything else. More in the
trigger section
 Player Index lets you change an actors player index inside the editor. The
name associated with this player index is also displayed at the top of the
entity edit column.
 Animation Rotation is the direction a character is facing. Most useful in
stationary actors to have them facing a useful and realistic direction.
 Base/Skin/Hair/Team let you change an actor's colour clowning so that not
everybody looks the same.
 Nature is used to make a character behave in a certain way. See natures
 Tactic is also covered in the natures section
 Use Cover defaults to on. When checked this actor will seek out cover when
 Use Sneak defaults to off. When turned on the actor will try to sneak if out
of LOS from the human player.
 Sleeping defaults to off. This AI will sleep until woken by an Alarm, damage,
or close proximity to the player.
 Item Tag is used for "looter" type characters. It specifies the tag name of
the item the character should try to get. Rarely used.
 Taunts enables combat taunts (should always be set to racial unless you
specifically need a character to be silent during combat)
 Trap allows you to add a trap to an item. Useful for doors and chests. Trap
entities can be found in \weapons\traps
 Always Friendly means a character will never turn on the player (regardless of
how much you torment them :P)
 Make Dead changes the actor to a corpse.
 Start Burrowed is used for scurry robots only. It will start them hidden under
the ground, and they will pop up within a 10 metre radius.
 Death Type lets you specify how a "Make Dead" character died.
 Unconscious knocks the actor down. If the unconcious time is set to -1 the
actor stays that way until woken by healing. Otherwise, it will count in seconds
from when the mission starts
 Immune friendly means that specific character will not be harmed by friendly
 Injuries can be added to an actor. Be careful, as a character cannot walk with
two broken legs, or fire a weapon with a broken arm.
 Hand/Armour overrides allow you to give a different weapon or armour to vary
your characters a bit more. Be reasonable with this, don't give raiders power
armour, etc.
 Inventory items can be added to special actors from here as well.
 Count is the number of the selected item (yellow) the entity will have.
 Non-lootable is the number of the item that the player cannot loot. If you
have 30 bullets and you only want the player to see 5, then this should be 25.


Each actor can have an individual nature, chosen from the entity edit menu.
There are currently 8 natures to choose from.

 Default does not affect the way an actor reacts or acts.
 Dummy makes the actor do nothing, sitting there and taking blows.
 Critter is used for roaches, rats etc.
 Coward actors are less likely to charge into combat, and more likely to run
away if they are having trouble hitting the enemy in combat.
 Aggressor will attack the enemy, no matter how likely they are to get cut
 Squeelers will run to an alarm the moment they see the enemy, and then act as
an aggressor. If an alarm is triggered it will wake up any actors who have the
same player index as the alarm.
 Patrol will investigate corpses that belong to an ally. They walk over, look
at the corpse, and then walk off in the direction the ally got hit from. If
they can not find any enemy along that path they return to whatever they were
doing before they saw the corpse.
 RepairBot is no longer used.
 Turret is used for turrets J
 Looter is used if you want an AI character to try and loot a specific item.
This should only be used in 1 or 2 places.


 Hold means the character will try to remain in it's current position. There
are certain conditions that will cause a holding player to retreat, but for the
most part the player will try to hold it's combat position.
 Advance is for characters you want to charge toward the player. Good for when
the computer player is attacking something defended by the player.
 Retreat will cause the entity to run from any attacker. They will still return
fire, but will be backpedalling
 Flank in will make the entity skirt around the attacker.

В начало темы


 Waypoints are a way of making actors walk around on the map in a realistic
way. Anything from patrols walking around a raider camp, to a citizen going
about their daily chores can be done with waypoints.
 In the editor each waypoint is marked with an entity. Each waypoint in the
path must have the same player index (Normally 0) and the same tag name. The
waypoint entity can be found in the Misc directory.
 There are two kinds of waypoint, "waypoint" and "waypoint_dir"
 Waypoint_Dir will make the entity face in the direction indicated when they
reach that point.

===============[Ordered Waypoints]===============

 Ordered waypoints are a list where the actor knows to walk from point A to
point B in a certain order. Each of the waypoints has an Index, starting at 0
for the first point in the path. When an actor reaches a waypoint they check
against the Next Waypoint list to find where to go next. Normally ordered
waypoints are in a loop, so that an actor walks from index 0, to index 1, to
index 2, etc… eventualy ending up back at index 0, where they start the path
 It is possible to give a list of next waypoints that the actor can pick from,
instead of a single index. In the Next Waypoint list field just provide it a
list of different index numbers, each seperated by a comma. This is good for
creating a random wandering pattern, while maintaining some form of order.
 For example: At waypoint 3 the next index is set to 4,5,6 which means that an
actor who walks to waypoint 3 will next goto either waypoint 4, 5 or 6.
 It is possible to weight which waypoint will be selected next by putting the
more waypoints you prefer the actor to goto in multiple times, for example:
3,3,3,3,4 will give an actor a 80% chance of going to waypoint 3, and a 20%
chance of going to waypoint 4.
 If a waypoint specifies either -1 or a blank for the next waypoint, then
actors will stop when they reach it.

===============[Actions at Waypoints]===============

 It is possible to cause actors to perform special actions at each waypoint
they reach.
 Pause will cause the actors to wait for a specified amount of time before
moving onto the next waypoint. The time is measured in seconds.
 Action allows you to force an actor to perform an animation at the waypoint.
You can use this to make it look like a character is checking things, opperating
machines or computers, or any other number of tasks. The actor will perform the
animation once.
 Repeat Action will make the actor perform the action you specified for the
entire time it is at the waypoint. Good for patrols who get to the gates of the
town and spend 30 seconds looking around, or similar tasks.


 Alarms are another special type of entity that works in conjunction with the
Squealer nature.
 Each alarm is attached to a player index. When an actor with the squeeler
nature sees an enemy they search the world around them for an alarm. If they
find one it run to it and activate it (using the magic hands animation). When
activated it will cause any sleeping actor with the same player index as the
alarm to wake up.
 If the human player uses an alarm before a computer-controlled actor then the
alarm is disabled, and can no longer be used.


 Switches are used to trigger certain actions depending on an on or off state.
More under Triggers.

В начало темы


 If entities are the bones of scripting then triggers are the flesh that goes
over the top to make it complete.
 You can use triggers to change how actors react to each other, to open and
close doors, or just about anything else you need to do.
 In general the less triggers used the better. A mission that relies too
heavily on triggers will look and feel forced to a player. It is normally better
to let the actors run the mission, with triggers only where needed.
 Triggers are made up of two parts, the Condition and the Action. When all of a
trigger Conditions are met the Action happens.
 Several triggers and actions affect entire player index numbers, while others
only happen to a single actor. When a "list" box appears it contains a list of
all entities with a tag name set. This is how you can affect a single actor
within a large group.

 Actions are what happens when a trigger is set off. There can be as many
actions set off as you want, but as with most things the less it has to do the
better it looks in the long run.
 A Blocking action is one that will wait until it is executed before the action
after it in the cue can be executed.

 Center View will center the view for the specified player on a tagged entity.
Shouldn't really be needed, as Force Speech has auto-centering.
 Player Retreat Zone will change the retreat zone for the specified player
 Player Move State - Deactivate will deactivate the actors of the specified
player index, effectivly removing them from the map.
 Player Move State - Stationary will change the specified player index to
 Player Move State - Follow will make the specified player index follow a
certain actor. Make sure the actor you specify has a unique tag name.
 Player Move State - Waypoint will make the player index follow the waypoints
you specify, starting at index 0.
 Player Move State - Flee will make the player index flee from where they are,
moving to their current retreat zone.
 Player Priority will change the players priority settings, ie: move state,
aggression, mobility, etc.
 Set Variable will set a variable that can be used in the conditions. All
variables are strings, with a unique name. If the Campaign Variable box is
checked then the variable is stored in the campaign data and can be checked in
other missions. All campaign variables should be prefixed with C_<variable
 Set Timer can either start a timer or add/subtract time on a current timer.
All times are measured in seconds, and timers can either increment or decrement
as needed.
 Stop Timer will halt the specified timer.
 Wait will cause a pause in your list of events, so you can have an event that
will happen over a period of seconds or minutes as needed. Make sure this event
type is set to Blocking or it will do nothing.
 End Mission will drop the player out of the mission to whichever screen you
specify in the drop down menu.
 Toggle Exit Grids will turn the exit grids on or off, letting players leave
the level if they are turned on.
 Set Speech ***redundant DO NOT USE ***
 Set Click Speech changes the speech node the character will use when clicked
 Set Random Speech will change the floating text that appears above the
specified entity.
 Set Mission State will change which missions are open for players to visit.
Don't use without consulting with Ed.
 Play Wav will play a sound file that you specify, centered on a tagged entity.
 Kill Entity will kill an actor in the manner that you specify. Good stress
relief - set all actors to explode when you start the map when you need to blow
off steam.
 Set Object Script State can be used to set object state to true or false.
Covered later on..
 Set Team Alignment Matrix will change the relationship between two teams. The
change is one way, so to make two teams take a dislike to eachother you need to
do this twice, reversing the teams each time.
 Display World Text will make a popup window appear in the players screen with
a message on it. The message is a tagged string from the speech file. See
speech for more details.
 Start Combat Mode only works in turn based mode, and it forces the game to
switch to the turn based combat style rather than normal real-time movement.
 Add experience will add an amount of experience to a tagged actor. If several
actors have the same tag name each actor gets the experience.
 Force Speech will A) (for windowed text) center the camera on the selected
entity and they will say whatever speech node you specify. Or B) (for floating
text) simply force the entity to float the specified text.
 Entity Speek ***Redundant DO NOT USE ***
 Change team changes the team index for a player. Perfect for traitorous
 Entity Chat ***Redundant DO NOT USE ***
 Give Item to NPC will take a specified item from the player, and give it to an
NPC. (make sure the condition checks to see if the player has that item first…)
 Give Item from NPC to Human does the opposite. Great when you want a side
quest to reward a player.
 Play Bink Movie does exactly that. Shouldn't be needed bar some specific
 Lock/Unlock Door will do just what it says. It will not Open or Close a door
 Jam/Unjam Minimap used in Mis23 to prevent use of the minimap.
 Ping on minimap will "ping" a circle of a specified color from a specific
location. Good for indicating objectives, but keep in mind the player may not
rely on the minimap at all.
 Add Items to Quartermaster list is used to update the quartermaster's
inventory at BOS bunkers.
 Add text to debrief text list will add some specific text regarding a mission
objective in a certain order.
 Display debrief window and text will popup the debrief and and text that has
been added to it.
 Modify RecruitPool List is used to change the Pool of recruits a t the BOS


 For a trigger to "go off", all of a set of conditions must first be met.
 There is no limit to the number of conditions you can assign to each trigger
(within reason :) ).
 All of the conditions in the list must assign as true before the events will

The various conditions are:

 Always. This trigger is always considered true, so the event will go off.
Useful for a trigger that is meant to happen at the start of a mission.
 Never. The opposite of always. This trigger will never go off. Useful when
testing something and you need to disable the trigger without deleting it from
your list.
 Speech Occurred is called when an actor says the matching speech node. More
details in the Speech section.
 Skill Used. When the tagged actor uses the specified skill the trigger
 Variable. You can set and check variables inside the editor. This can be
used for when a player talks to actor X they are now allowed to do something
new. Variables are set as strings. If the campaign box is checked, then it
checks against campaign variables, otherwise only variables local to the map are
checked against.
 Timer is called when the timer you specify matches the values you set in the
drop down menu.
 The Most is mostly used for multi-player maps. You can specify this to go off
when a player index has the most of a wide range of factors, such as the most
alive, the most kills, the most hit points, etc…
 The Least works the opposite to The Most.
 Quantity - Team works similar to The Most, checking if the team specified has
a certain number (or more than/less than) of a specified type.
 Quantity - Player is the same, except it checks each player index rather than
each team.
 Quantity - Unit is the same, expcept checks against tagged units rather than
team or player index.
 Object Script State checks the state of tagged entities or containers to check
if they are open or closed.
 All Alive at exit grid checks to see if all player characters left alive are
at the exit grid.
 Can See checks to see if one player can see another. Use with caution, as Can
See has a range of 100 metres, and doesn't take LOS into account.

В начало темы


What fun is it having a world where nobody will talk to you? A world where
nobody can tell you how nice you are to save them, or where nasty raiders can
not tell you to go shove a cucumber up your bunghole? Well here's how to make it
happen. It may look complicated at first, but its quite simple when you get into
it, and lets you bring a level to life.

===============[Setting Up a Speech File]===============

 A speech file is a simple text document that contains all the spoken text for
a mission, as well as the brief/debrief messages and any tags for the minimap.
The format for a speech file must be followed closely so that the editor can
read it in correctly.
 Each line of text, or node, is done in the format:

Speech_node_name = { speech }

For example:

M01_Hawkeye_A00_W= { WAZZUP! }

Mission No.
Window(blank for floating)

 The speech needed for each mission can be found in the mission speech files,
found in \\Avatar\Fallout\bos\core\locale\missions\
 Each node is auto wrapping, and will delete any end-of-line characters it
finds. To add in an end-of-line use the special text: \n

===============[Loading Your Speech File]===============

 The next step is to load the text file into the editor.
 This is a simple task: go to the levels tab and select speech file. Browse to
your speech file and double click on it.

===============[Creating Speech Nodes]===============

Now that the speech is loaded into the editor you need to assign each line of
speech to a node. Briefing and debriefing text are done automatically, so there
is no need to assign them.

 In the levels tab select Speech.
 Click on add..
 Make sure you rename the node to something obvious and informative by
selecting the field above the Chat box.

For Floating Text:
 Check "Floating"
 Each node has a random chance of being selected. Use the scroll bar on each
box to select the appropriate line of speech.

For Conversations:
 Check "Windowed"
 The nodes are picked at random from these boxes. In most cases you will only
need a single line.

 If you want an event to happen when the character speaks a certain line of
text then add a unique name in the event field. These can be used in the "speech
occurred" condition. This can be used in conjunction with the change speech
event to form a conversation tree.
 If there are not enough lines to fill all the boxes then leave empty spaces as

===============[Assigning Speech Nodes]===============

Once all the speech nodes are in place you can assign the actual speech to the
actors. Each actor can have one dialog node and one chat node assigned at a
time, and if they do not have anything set they simply will not talk to the

 Select the actor you want to add the speech too using the Entity Edit mode.
 Use the rolldown menu labelled Random text to add a floating text node.
 Use the rolldown menu labelled Click Text to add a dialog node.

===============[Other Uses For Speech Nodes]===============

The speech file you created for your mission also contains 3 other types of
messages apart from speech.

 Mission brief/debrief text. If you have a line in the speech file with a
lable like: mission_XX_brief = { text } then that text will be shown to the
player when the first start the mission. For debrief text use
mission_XX_debrief = { text }
 Minimap Objectives information is also stored in the speech file. The tags for
these are the same as a line of speech, using mission_XX_MM_01 = { text }.
Adding these into the minimap is covered in the next section.
 World Text Message should be rarely used, but from time to time you may need
them. What they are is a popup window with your text displayed in it. Normally
it would be better to use an actor to give out messages to players in the form
of speech. The format for them is exactly the same as for a speech node, but it
is displayed using the event display_world_text.

===============[Killing Text]===============

So that characters don't keep saying the same thing over and over again, you can
add a "Speech Occurred" trigger that checks for the speech event, and when it
happens, the Action will change the speech to whatever you specify. If you want
them to shut up, leave the rollout blank.

В начало темы


The minimap (or Pip Map) is a useful way of giving players tactical information
before they enter the map.
It can contain a view of the whole map with certain locations marked in so
players do not go in blind.

===============[Creating and Importing a Minimap]===============
 From the edit menu make sure Show Invisible Objects and Show Invisible Tiles
are not selected.
 From the tools menu select Make Picture
 When the map has finished rendering and saving to disk close BOS and browse to
the directory where you have been sacing your map. BOS will have created a jpg
file of your entire map.
 Open the jpg in photoshop. Goto the Image menu and click on Image Size. Make
sure the Constrain Proportions button is selected and reduce the image size to
less than 510x330 pixles. Save the file as a PNG into
\\Avatar\Fallout\bos\core\locale\missions\ under the correct mission folder.
 Load BOS and from the main menu select "PNG to ZAR" and convert the map to a
ZAR file.
 Open your mission and under the level tab select minimap.
 Click Change Image and select your map. It should load into the display
 You can now add objective, information and start position markers to your map.
- Click on Add Objective.
- Drag the new circle into position on the map.
- Use the rolldown menu to select what type of information is appropriate.
- Use the Text Key menu to select the appropriate node from your speech file.
Mission Objective text must be written into the speech text file associated with
the mission.
- Choose a radius for the circle from the menu.

HIDDEN MESSAGE: A big thanks to the entire Fallout: Tactics team for their
contributions to the creation of this document, and their excellent work on the
game. We hope you, the user, find it helpful, and we're sorry it couldn't be
more complete :) Mod away, folks! - ]ed[Ы

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===============[General Definitions]===============

- An entity is any object within a mission map that requires interaction.
- Entities are constructed using the Entity Editor outside of the Level Editor.
- There are some attributes of entities that can be edited once it has been
placed into a Mission Map.
- As stated elsewhere, there are different types of entities, each suited to a
particular purpose. These different entity types have totally different
attribute structures.

Типы объектов

- Actors are one of the most common entities.
- Everything in Fallout: Tactics that can have an AI attached to it (and also
Speech) through the Level Editor has to be created as an Actor Entity.
- This includes NPCs, critters, turrets, etc.
- The Player Characters and Recruits Characters are Actor entities

Multi Player Characters
- The characters that appear in the Multi Player Selection window are a special
kind of Actor entity.
- These entities are created as normal actors, but then saved out as .CHR files.

- Used to create Vehicles (pretty obviously).

- Any object in the game that can be targeted, damaged and destroyed.
- For example, the explosive barricades.

- Used for objects that will do damage to the user when the object changes
- For example, the Brain Extractor machine.

- Used to spawn any effect sprite under certain conditions.
- For example, the extra explosions that surround a pertol tanker when it is

- Used to light Mission Maps.

- Used to place radiation in Mission Maps.

- Used to create non-interactive entities. NOT USED

- Used to spawn ambient scenery animations, such as newspapers flapping in the
winds. NOT USED

- Used as the spawning point for actors, either in Single Player or Multi

- Used to create an object that can become destroyed or broken when certain
conditions are met.
- For example, a power node that must be destroyed when a certain switch is

- Used to create an object that must have multiple states which are toggled by
external conditions.
- For example, the alarm lights in the BOS bunkers which change from green to

- Used to create an object that Player Controller AIs can use as a destination
in Mission Maps.
- For example, any patrolling NPC in a mission follows a set of pre-defined
- You should be able to use the default Waypoint Entity found in the

- Used to create an object that will trigger other events when it is used. NOT

- Used to create any object that must contain items.
- For example, any locker, chest or crate.

- Used to create a door that must be capable of sliding open/shut and being
- For example, the automatic doors in a Vault.

- Used to create an object that must be destroyable, but which will also repair
itself over time.
- For example, the self-repairing power nodes.

- Used to create any object that must be capable of being opened/shut and/or
- For example, the giant doors in the Raider missions, or any standard wooden

- Used to create a switch that can be toggled using the science skill.

- Used to create a switch object.
- The state of a Switch entity is usally checked against when triggering other
events or entities.

- Used to create ammunition items.

- Used to create armour items.

- Used to create book items, which can give the character a bonus to a specific
- For example, Maddock's Tricks and Traps which increases the character's Traps

- Used to create any consumable item. Most consumables have an affect (positive
or negative) attributed to them.
- For example, Foods, Chems or Stim Packs.

- Used to create a specific Geiger Counter item.

- Used to create GenericItems that serve no specific purpose.
- Most quest related items are made as GenericItems that have quest specific

- Used to create Holodisk Items, which when used will write a block of pre-
defined information to the PipBoy.
- For example, the General's letter to his wife.

- Used to create Keys, which must have the same Tag Name as the door it is
intended to unlock.
- Keys can be used on doors from an active hand, or can simply be in a
character's inventory.

- Used to create Lockpick items, which enhance a characaters skill in Lockpicks
when in an active hand.

- Used to create an object that can be damaged and repaired.
- Repair objects have a difficulty field at the top of their attributes which
defines what percentage chance a character will have when using the repair skill
on that object.

- Used to create items that require a skill roll to consume.
- For example, First Aid Kits and Doctor's Bags.

- Used to create Trap items.
- For example, Pressure Mines

- Used to create trigger items to be used in conjunction with explosive
- For example, the Remote Detonator item that triggers explosive packs.

- Used to create the specific Tank Turret weapon.

- Used to create the blistering array of weapon items.
- Weapons can be set up with multiple modes (minimum of one mode) which are
accessed in the game by right-clicking on an equipped weapon.

- For items to be used in Multiplayer Capture the Flag maps.

В начало темы


===============[FILE MENU]===============
 New (CTRL-N)
Create a blank .ENT file. This opens the "New Level" Dialogue.

 Open (CTRL-O)
Open an existing .ENT file

 Save (CTRL-S)
Save the current .ENT file

 Save As
Save the current .ENT file under a new name

Print the current .ENT file


 Open CHR
Open an existing .CHR file

 Save CHR
Save the current entity as a .CHR file

 Quit (CTRL-Q)
Quits the editor out to the main menu

===============[EDIT MENU]===============
 Undo (CTRL-Z)
Undo the last action. Currently has infinite undos.

 Redo (CTRL-Y)
Redo the last action that was undone.

 Block Undo (ALT-Z)
Undo a block of similar actions. Basically checks the last action, and undoes
all actions of that type, until it finds an action which is dissimilar.

 Block Redo (ALT-Y)
Redo a block of similar actions that have been undone.

 Undo Options
Set the options for Undo (number of undos, buffer size)

 Edit Character Stat/Trait
Opens a version of the Create Character Window, allowing the user to edit
stats and traits as normal. Only applicable when editing an Actor entity.

 Edit Character Skill/Perk
Opens a version of the Edit Character Window, allowing the user to edit skills
and perks as normal. Only applicable when editing an Actor entity.

 Cheat Character Stat/Trait
Opens a version of the Create Character Window, aloowing the user to edit
stats and traits in any way they see fit (outside legal character rules). Only
applicable when editing an Actor entity.

 Cheat Character Skill/Perk
Opens a version of the Edit Character Window, allowing the user to edit skills
and perks in any way they see fit (outside legal character rules). Only
applicable when editing an Actor entity.

===============[VIEW MENU]===============
 Sprite (ON/OFF)
Toggles visibility (usually) of the sprite applicable to the racial type
selected. Please note that the sprite sometimes fails to display.

===============[MAKE MENU]===============
 The Make Menu is a shortcut button that performs the same functions as the
Edit Menu\Edit Character Stat/Trait option. Only applicable when editing an
Actor entity.

===============[LEVEL MENU]===============
 The Level Menu is a shortcut button that performs the same functions as the
Edit Menu\Edit Character Skill/Perk option. Only applicable when editing an
Actor entity.

В начало темы


===============[STATUS FIELD]===============
 File Path - Displays full path for current .MIS file. Unfortunately this field
sometimes displays over the top of the Make and Level Menu buttons.

===============[MODES FIELD]===============
 Contains the buttons for the different editing modes: New, Edit, View, Make
and Level

===============[ENTITY ATTRIBUTES FIELD]===============
 Displays different information and functions depending on the type of entity
 The basic layout includes a heading (in yellow) at the top of this field that
displays the type of entity. Underneath this are a series of collapsible windows
(with green headings) that display the attributes of the entity in editable
form. These collapsible windows are usually separated into groups, (also with a
yellow heading).
 Making any change to a numerical value AND pressing ENTER will constitute a
change to the entity that can be undone.
 A lot of information is displayed in this field at once, meaning that usually
most will not fit on the screen at once. Left-Click-Hold and Drag on any blank
area within this field will allow the user to scroll this field up and down.
Please note that this function may sometimes take a few tries to get working :)

!!!! PLEASE NOTE: Several entity types will not display a name heading at the
top of the window, but will display a blank collapsible window bar. This bar may
represent a collapsed window which contains extra attribute data. Please click
on and expand any blank bar to make sure you're not missing an attribute field.

===============[MAIN WINDOW]===============
 Displays the sprite related to the current .ENT file.

===============[DIRECTORY FIELD]===============
 Contains a Change Dir button that allows the user to select a directory of
entities to edit.
 Below the Change Dir button is a field that displays a list of all of the
entities in the currently selected directory.
 Single clicking on an entity will bring up its properties in the ENTITY
 Single clicking on a different entity after editing the currently selected one
will result in the edited entity being force-saved (which cannot be undone), so
be wary when using this function.

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Особенности мультиплеерных карт

Fallout: Tactics allows a reasonable degree of freedom with its scripting for
multiplayer missions, and the creative minded could no doubt create some fairly
unique gameplay in their maps. This document will outline all the basics, and
then move onto specifics to make sure you can get your map working.


The first thing to think about when building a multiplayer map is the design.
Decide what type of gameplay you want your map to have, and sketch a design. You
should also think about the theme and setting of your map. This is a very
important stage, and you will find that it will make things much easier, and
your map more playable if you can work out exactly how you want it to look and
play before you begin construction. Also think about the mode you expect your
map to be played in. TB mode is more fun in tighter maps, whereas CTB plays
better on larger scales. Try to include choke points, defensive points, multiple
entries in your initial design (more on map features to follow.)

For your first pass, keep it simple. A top down sketch will suffice, being
mindful to include any major features. Your second design pass should include a
good degree more detail, even to the point of outlining the complete structure
of the map on paper. Most of the structure is drawn here, and it saves a lot of
time and effort when spotting potential bad features of the map.

===============[Map Features]===============

Map features are what makes your map fun and interesting to play. Most are
fairly obvious, for instance an Assault map should have a good defensive
position with plenty of cover, but it shouldn't be too easy to defend. Any maps
with a specific flow of movement (ie Assault or CTF) should also include a mix
of chokepoints and open spaces. The most important map features are outlined

Bases and Defensive points
- are the major focus of Assault or CTF style maps. They should be biased toward
the defenders, but not impregnable. Give the offence several entry points, and
give the defenders good places to cover most of the entry points. It should be
easier for the defenders; otherwise the game will be over pretty quickly. In
CTF, try to make both bases balanced, as this one is a fair fight. Defensive
positions should provide an advantage, but not to the point of it being a stand
off between two teams of defenders. You could easily create a skirmish map where
each player starts in a base, but don't make it too easy to defend unless you
want to encourage camping.

- are also important in goal based missions. If you are making a single flag
capture map, try to make it so that the players will all get funnelled into the
same area. For assault maps, give the player many routes to take, but once they
get near the base, they should be "choked" into about 3 entry points, otherwise
the defenders will find it too difficult to defend.

- are good for controlling the flow of the game. If you are making a vehicle
based mission, then it is a good idea to make areas where foot soldiers can go,
but vehicles can't. The best example is "Motor Sports". Note how all the roads
are clear, so a player who chooses to drive is given the advantage of speed and
armor, but there are also points where the player will need to be on foot. There
are also the auto gates at each player start, which prevents the player with the
fastest trigger finger getting off to a good start.

Mini Objectives
- can also provide a more interesting scenario for the player. It could be
anything from a gate that provides direct access to the players goal, but to
switch to open the gate is in a well defended position. Another mini objective
could be a turret in centre of the map, which is powered by a node somewhere. If
you really wanted, you could probably create a complex switch puzzle that nukes
the opposing team, but remember that the bottom line for gameplay can be
simplified to "Is it fun?"

- are a major part of FO:T, and you should take advantage of this when designing
your map architecture. Reward the player who has a character with 120%
lockpicking, but don't reward too much, because then everybody will take
characters with uber lockpicking abilities when they play your map. Put nice
dark places for sneaky characters; weigh up the pros and cons of short-range
weaponry vs long-range weaponry. Many of these features can come about by
accident, but be aware of their uses.


So now you have a spiffy design whipped up, and it's time to start building your
level. It is assumed that a reasonable knowledge of the Level Editor has been

 Simplicity - Try to keep everything pretty simple. You may want to make a big
pretty map with lots of bushes and scenery around, but remember that gameplay is
the main idea here.
 Theme - This should've been decided when you were planning out the design of
your map, and there are a few good reasons. The first is purely aesthetic. A map
that pits a tech style base against a raider stronghold is interesting, and can
make a map look good without too much attention to detail. The second reason is
that the less tile variations the engine needs to cache the better. It will run
faster, and use less memory, so try to re-use cool looking tiles. The third
reason is so that your map is memorable. A map that is easily remembered will
get played more often, and who doesn't want to see their map getting regular
play :)
 Work within the limitations - because FO:T uses an isometric engine, players
and objects can easily get hidden or disguised. Try to work around these limits
so that gameplay is not hindered by the interface. Ladders and stairs should be
in full view, entry points should be easily spotted, and in general, the player
should not be able to exploit the game.
 Gameplay first - and then creative flair. You should have the gameplay of your
map playing exactly as it was intended before your start putting in eye candy. A
nice looking map is a bonus, but once again remember that gameplay is the most
important feature.
 Line of Sight - is an often overlooked aspect, but is very important. In a map
with 16 players, keeping all players out of the enemies LOS can be difficult. If
you are aware and plan for it, it makes the task less daunting, and will save
you quite a few late revisions.

В начало темы

Типы карт


Skirmish mode is the simplest form of Multiplayer, with either every man for
himself, or team skirmish, depending on how the map is setup:

General tips:

 Try to design the map keeping all design aspects in your head, arguably the
most important facet in Skirmish is LOS.
 Give a nice scattering of cover. Empty spaces aren't fun or tactical.
 Be conscious of "camping sites" Anywhere with 360 degrees of defence is a
potential gameplay breaker. 3 walls max on any small buildings is a good limit.
As you design the map, think of how easily a player with 6 characters could
defend a given position. If you think it could be a potential camp site, it
probably is, so make sure you include weak points.
 Be fair to all players. If your map has only 7 equally balanced starting
positions, then set the player limit to 7, don't add in an extra disadvantaged
spawn point just to make an even number.

Free for All
 Set the game type to "Skirmish" on the Level tab in the editor.
 Specify the maximum amount of players. Theoretically there is no limit, but 18
is the recommended maximum.
 Disable all teams by clicking on the "teams" button, and unchecking all 8
 Make sure the player list is empty, except for Scenery, and the default human
player. Set both to disabled.
 Add in your spawn points. Generally you should use "SpawnGeneric" entities
with no player or team specified. Check "Special instances" for other cool

Team Skirmish
 Set the game type to "Skirmish" on the level tab.
 Specify the amount of players. Remember you have a max of eight teams, to try
to keep any teams even. (ie a max of 17 would be stupid, because the teams
wouldn't be even)
 Click on the "teams" button, and adjust the team matrix so that all teams hate
each other. If you want the teams to have names, specify them here.
 Make sure the player list is empty, except for Scenery, and the default human
player. Set both to disabled.
 Add in your "SpawnGeneric" ents. Feel free to give desired team numbers
 If you choose to, you can select "No team" on the MP setup screen to play Free
for All.

Special Instances
 If you want to name individual players you can add them into the player list,
and set them to "Human" Set team to 0 unless you want players to be assigned to
a specific team. If there aren't enough player groups for everyone in the game,
nameless player groups will be assigned.
 If you care where the individual player groups are spawned, then use
"SpawnPlayer" ents with the appropriate player numbers assigned.


Assault is a team based mode of play, generally with a defending team and an
attacking team. It is possible to have two teams trying to assault each others
base too, and theoretically you could have an 8-way assault map, but this
contravenes the golden rules of Multiplayer Mapping.

General Tips
 Good defensive positions are important for Assault, but don't make them
impregnable. It is very easy to make an impregnable map, so think about it in a
gameplay sense. Imagine half of your max players (assuming two teams) all set up
with sniper rifles, mines and plenty of medical gear. The attackers need a good
fighting chance, so be very wary of how much the bias tends toward the
 Make it clear what the player's goal is instantly. Not too difficult, but it
can be overlooked.
 Try to keep a fair bit of space between the attackers and defenders. The games
last longer and are more tactical if you give the defenders time to set up a
decent defence.
 As always, keep it simplistic.

 Assault maps need a goal. It can be just about anything, as long as you can
link it to a trigger. Generally you would use a switch or a destroyable entity,
but within the rules, you could have somebody to assassinate, a bomb to disarm,
or whatever you should choose. Most of the official FO:T maps use switches
because they require the player to get right up next to it to pull it.
Destroyables can be shot from a distance, but this is not necessarily a bad
thing, as it provides a different challenge.
 Specify the maximum amount of players. Theoretically there is no limit, but 18
is the recommended maximum.
 Make sure the player list is empty, except for Scenery, and the default human
player. Set both to disabled.
 Set up your teams. In an attackers vs defenders scenario, use "team_attackers"
and "team_defenders" to access localised text.
 Use "SpawnTeam" ents to differentiate the teams. Put whichever team you want
in the "desired team" field.

You will need a trigger, set up as follows
- Conditions
 <Goal Reached> (usually checks the script state of the goal switch)
- Actions
 MP - End Game "team_attackers"

Special Instances
 If you want to name individual players you can add them into the player list,
and set them to "Human" Set team to 0 unless you want players to be assigned to
a specific team. If there aren't enough player groups for everyone in the game,
nameless player groups will be assigned.
 If you care where the individual player groups are spawned, then use
"SpawnTeam" ents with the appropriate player numbers/teams assigned.


CTF is like assault, but it requires you to get a capture item (flag) and return
it to your own capture item. Once again, two opposing teams are the standard,
but it is possible in theory to have up to 8 teams. For every capture, the team
is awarded a point. When a team reaches the capture limit (which is defined by
the server) they win.

General Tips

 Symmetry is usually good in a CTF map. It means you can play on either team,
and be familiar with the base etc. It also means that teams should be fairly
well balanced.
 Make it obvious where the flag should be. Coloured lights are also kind of
cool to indicate flag rooms (the flag room needs to be obvious without the
 Defences/Multiple entry point stuff outlined earlier is good for CTF.
 The most tried and tested CTF style is that of two equal bases and a largish
"no-man's land" in between.

 Flags are the central item in CTF. Make sure there is one for each team, and
that they are colour coded accordingly. The Flag entity can be found in the
"misc" directory. The "Capture Team" field should index the team that owns the
flag, not the team who wants to capture it.
 Specify the maximum amount of players. Theoretically there is no limit, but 18
is the recommended maximum.
 Make sure the player list is empty, except for Scenery, and the default human
player. Set both to disabled.
 Set up your teams. Name them something appropriate (ie Red/Blue)
 Use "SpawnTeam" ents to differentiate the teams. Put whichever team you want
in the "desired team" field.

Special Instances
 If you want to name individual players you can add them into the player list,
and set them to "Human" Set team to 0 unless you want players to be assigned to
a specific team. If there aren't enough player groups for everyone in the game,
nameless player groups will be assigned.
 If you care where the individual player groups are spawned, then use
"SpawnTeam" ents with the appropriate player numbers/teams assigned.


Scavenger mode is very similar to Skirmish, but has the added goal of retrieving
a certain amount of special items. This means that players must play as if they
were playing Skirmish, but it also means that camping is no longer a valid

General Tips

 Keep all the Skirmish rules in mind when making a scavenger map.
 Try to make all items even distributed according to spawn points, it won't be
fun if other players have a distinct advantage over others.
 Try to make the tagged items something fairly unique and obvious.


 CaptureItem entities that must be scavenged all need to have the same TagName.
 Specify the maximum amount of players. Theoretically there is no limit, but 18
is the recommended maximum.
 Make sure the player list is empty, except for Scenery, and the default human
player. Set both to disabled.
 Set up your teams the same way you would set up Skirmish.
 Add in your spawn points. Generally you should use "SpawnGeneric" entities
with no player or team specified. Remember the same rules applied in Skirmish
mode should work here.

You will need a trigger, set up as follows
- Conditions
- Actions
 MP - Team meeting condition Wins
 ItemsTagged "MP_Item" (where MP_Item is the name of the scavenge object)

And a second trigger set up as:
- Conditions
 MP – Game Timed Out
- Actions
 MP – Team with The Most Wins
 ItemsTagged "MP_Item"

===============[Custom Multiplayer Modes]===============

Custom multiplayer modes are where creative thoughts can roam free. The only
real bounds of custom multiplayer are that there must be spawn points, and end

General Tips
 Custom is not limitless. While there is quite a bit of versatility, if it
can't be done using existing triggers, it can't be done. You could create a
racing map. You probably couldn't create an isometric Speedball map, but that's
not saying you can't try.
 Try to use the strengths of the game. Scenarios involving shooting of things
work well, because that's what the game is about.
 It should be fun. Bottom line. If you want people to be playing your map, they
need to enjoy it.
 The more scripting you use, the more data has to be shared between clients.
Keep it as simple as possible.

 While all generic modes have hard-coded scoring etc, for custom modes you will
need to use manual triggers for scoring, and resetting of maps. The pertinent
triggers are as follows
MP - Team meeting condition wins: will compare a quantity to the <fraglimit>.
Should persist. (Always/Preserve)
MP - End Game: will assign the win to whichever player you specify.
MP - Team with the most wins: Lets you compare various quantities between
teams to decide a winner - ie The team with the most kills wins. Should be used
in conjunction with the MP - Game Timed Out Condition.
MP - Team with the least wins: The inverse of the above, can be used to
specify conditions like "The team with the least deaths wins"

 The same rules with spawn points are applied in custom modes. If you want
teams, use "SpawnTeam" entities.
 The only truly important triggers, are the Multiplayer victory triggers. Make
sure these are in and appropriately scripted.
 Playtest. Because there are no set guidelines to follow, making it work is up
to you.

An Example - Assault mode simulated by a custom map

 Set the mode to "Normal"
 Set Max players
 Enable two teams; call them "team_attackers" and "team_defenders"
 Disable and remove all unnecessary player groups.
 Put in your appropriate "SpawnTeam" ents.
 Put in a switch entity in the defender's base. Give it a meaningful tagname
like "GoalSwitch" and turn it off.

Create a trigger, call it something meaningful, like "GOAL ATTAINED -
Attackers". It should be set up as follows
- Conditions
 Object Script State of "GoalSwitch" is "On"
- Actions
 MP - End Game: team_attackers

Create another trigger, call it something meaningful, like "GOAL ATTAINED -
Defenders". It should be set up as follows
- Conditions
 team_attackers has less than 1 alive anywhere (In zone)
- Actions
 MP - End Game: team_defenders

Create a final trigger, call it something meaningful, like "GAME TIMED OUT -
Defenders". It should be set up as follows
- Conditions
 MP - Game Timed Out
- Actions
 MP - End Game: team_defenders

When the attackers reach the score defined by the server, the game should jump
to the victory screen. If the defenders wipe out the defenders the set number of
times, they are the victors.

В начало темы

Золотые правила картоcтроения

 Design - You should be able to see your map in your mind, play it in your mind
before you even open the editor. You should be able to put it down on paper, or
explain its gameplay to someone in a paragraph. Design is the most important
thing when making a multiplayer map.
 Simplicity - Keep it simple. Nobody wants to spend 10 minutes learning how to
play a map, the want to jump in and play it straight up. Also, from a design
point of view, the simpler it is, the less can go wrong.
 Work within the limits - You need to know both your limits and the engine
limits. If you are making your first map, don't try to build an epic 8x8 region
map using 7 different tilesets. Start easy, and work up to it. Remember the
engine can block the view of items or players, and can be advantageous to one
team or another.
 Keep it tactical - It's a tactical game, so make your maps tactical. If you
have too many wide open spaces, fill them with cover. If you find your map is
too cramped, take out a wall or two here and there.
 Fun - The bottom line for any gameplay experience boils down to three words:
IS IT FUN? If you don't enjoy your maps, chances are no-one else will. This
little mantra is the unofficial motto of the Microforte script monkeys. If it's
not fun, it needs to change.

 66%-33% Rule - When making a building, you should be able to see at least two
thirds of the floor space. The other third can be hidden by walls or obstacles.
While, this rule has a little leeway, try to obey it whenever possible.
 Upsize it! AKA bigger is better - Reality has little place in here. Keep most
rooms oversized, it is better for the player to see the action, than be in a
constant state of stippling.
 Avoid Lineup - Lineup is what occurs when you have walls, or multiple levels
that appear to be connected due to isometrics.
 Corridors should be 5 tiles wide - or more, but no less. While 5 tiles seems
like a lot, it is still very little floor space. Don't make it a chore for the
player to navigate.
 Stairs - Should always face the player. If they slope away, they are very
difficult to see. Stairwells should be two units wide, and three units long. Be
mindful of concealing the top of staircases, as this will effectively create a
one way staircase.
 Catwalks should be 2 tiles wide - even more if they are obscured by walls.
 Roads should be 8 tiles wide - as this will accommodate two vehicles passing
in opposite directions.
 Don't change any tile flags - ie don't make a tile windowed if it isn't
already. Consistency is the key here, a player should be able to assume the
tiles in any map behave the same.
 Pink Tiles - Invisible pink tiles should be used to extend the roof of any
buildings over doorways. This will pop the roof before the player enters the
building. These tiles can be found in TILES\GENERIC TILES. It does not matter if
these tiles intersect with other tiles.

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Q: I found where the tiles for stairs and ladders are, but I have a hard time getting the individual pieces to line up. Is there a way to copy and paste entire ladders or stairs?

A: Look at the area you want to add the ladder to. You will need to start the ladder at one elevation level higher than the floor, and end it at a height equal to whatever it is you're wanting to climb onto. Remember also that a character cannot go up more than one elevation level, so if there's something taller in the way, you'll have to remove it, or put "caps" on the other side so that a character can climb back down.

The best way I've found to work with ladders is to scroll over to an unused portion of the map and build the ladder there. Build your ladder, the tiles for which are found in Generic Tiles/Ladders. Place each tile one level higher than the one below it. (A scroll wheel comes in very handy here, since you can scroll up or down elevation levels with it.) I recommend switching "Show Tile Bounding Box" on for this, since it places a box around the tile and makes them easier to line up. If you happen to misplace the tile, use Ctrl + the arrow keys to maneuver it into position while it is selected.

Once you've built your ladder, go into "Select" mode (either by pressing F1 or clicking on its box near the top of the screen), set your elevation to the base level of the ladder, press and hold Alt and drag the selection bow around the ladder. This will select the entire ladder. You can then maneuver your ladder into position using Ctrl and the arrow keys. If you need to change the elevation, press Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down.

If you're looking to select entire stairs/ladders, find one that you like, then switch to "Select" mode and use the "Visible Check" option. This will select one tile at a time, but you don't have to have the cursor set to the same elevation as the tile. Press "Shift" to select multiple tiles. If you click no an already selected tile while holding "Shift" you will unselect it. If you want to save things between maps you'll have to copy (Ctrl + C) the selected tiles, then use the "Save Clip" option. Name the file something useful, then switch to the map you're going to place it in and use the "Load Clip" option.

Q: 1. I tried to make a mission... when placing the terrain, if I click and drag my mouse (to put the selected terrain on a bigger spot.) it colours it in seperate colors... like they are not on the same level... ???
2. What is the invisible tile for ?

A: - Different color tiles: Usually the different color tiles mean that they are on different levels, but often times the bug-ridden editor screws up. I wouldn't worry about it. But if you want to be certain you're not screwing up tiles placement, make sure you have "Show Tile Info Pop Up" checked/ticked under "View", and point your cursor at the offending tiles. A second or two later you will see a box pop up with all sorts of info in it. Among this is the elevation of the tile you're pointing at.

- The Invisible Tiles are for purposes of "roof popping". Without these an actor will have to walk all the way up to an exterior wall before the roof pops off for you to peer inside. Place some of these along exterior walls, in stair cases and holes in ceilings to better help a player see what's inside a building.

A note on these tiles: they often don't register as "invisible" when you first place them, e.g. you will see them cast a shadow. Use the "Update Tile Info" under "Tools" to rectify this. Also, look at the missions that came in the core campaign for ways of doing things. (You might as well rip off ideas, since according to the EULA MF owns everything you do with the editors anyway...)

Q: 1. What is a spawn point?
2. Is there a trick in putting doors? Because that's not covered in the tutorials.
3. How do I put in windows? I mean big ones not those little ones that are on the wall tiles... I want a big window... 3-4 tiles large... how?
4. In the case of windows does the roof popping work this way: you get to a window with your character, then the roof pops? Or do you need to put some invisible tiles there?
5. About buildings that are taller: do you apply the second floor on the roof and build up the stories just like the first?
6. And is it possible to make a building that you can fit in only when/if you are not standing? "Half-tall" buildings...
7. How do you make a non-flat roof? (triangular, pyramidal)

A: 1) Spawn points are points at which players enter a map. This can be the PC's squad in a campaign or a team in MP.

2) Doors are not tiles, but rather entities. That's probably why GB didn't cover it.

The best "trick" I have is to find the appropriate door in "Entity Mode" (put a tick mark in that field near the top of the screen, or press "F3"). Place the door near where you want it - it probably won't be facing in the correct direction, but don't worry about that for now - and go to "View" and click on "Show Tile Bounding Box".

Now go to "Edit Entity" mode (F4). You should see a bunch of information on the entity that is selected, which should be your door. The field you are concerned with is "Animation Rotation" which changes the direction that the door is facing. For doors, there are 4 Animation Rotations (0-3). Play with this, the "Is Open" and "Opens Outward" fields until you have your door positioned and opening in the correct direction. Remember that you don't want the door swinging out of view when it is open, so sometimes what you'd expect a door to do in "reality" has to suffer for the sake of playability.

3) There are no large window tiles. What you can do is to play around with a combination of "caps" and 1/2-sized (short) walls.

4) Roof-popping works when your character gets up to a wall, regardless of whether or not there is a window there. The invisible tiles are best put around an entrance, or if you have holes in upper-level floors, put them in the hole so that the roof doesn't pop back on when the active actor is standing under the hole. I suggest opening some of the missions in the core campaign and taking a look at how they're used. (When all else fails, resort to "Monkey see, monkey do". *lol*)

5) Upper-stories on buildings can be a bit tricky. You have to make sure that your building fits the floor since only the "Plains" (plain-jane dirt) tiles have smaller tiles (down to 1x1 unit) than the standard 6x6 units. Most walls are two "world units" thick, and you want your floor to cover the top of the wall half-way. Use the "caps" to make a ring around your floor and fill up that other unit on top of the wall. Then simply place your walls one level higher than the floor and "caps".

6) Yes, you can make a building that you can only crouch in. You are limited to using the tile types that have "half-walls", though. You build these exactly as you would a normal building.

7) You can make a pyramidal roof. You will need to use the "Post War Town/Wood" roof or a similar one since these have slanted roof edges. The reason the tutorial has you start off with the walls half-way off of the floor tiles, is because the walls are two "world units" (1 world unit is circa 10 centimeters/4 inches) thick. If you have them half-way on the tiles that way, you can make sure that your upper-story floor will fit in, nice and neat. This will leave a "ring" (let's call it that, even though it's not round) around your upper-story floor tiles that you have to put "caps" in to make the floor flush with the outer edge of walls. When you've done this, look at what elevation your floor tiles for the upper story are, go one elevation higher, and begin putting the walls for your upper story on.

Basically, you have to remember to build the walls to conform to the floor tiles, and not vice-versa. The reason is that, since floor tiles are 6 world units by 6 world units and none of the tile sets contain any smaller tiles, you will either have to do it this way, or put up with having gaps in your floor. There are two exceptions to this:

1) You can use "caps" to fill in gaps. This is especially usefull if you're using wood floors and would like to have something that looks like a support beam in it.

2) If you go to the tile set Ruined City/Road/Sloped/Cliff Face you will find a bunch of plain "dirt" tiles that are smaller than 6x6 world units. in fact, they go down as small as 1x1. These aren't very useful for buildings, however, since most upper story floors wouldn't be made of dirt. They are good for plugging gaps around the rocky mountains, especially on elevated ground. ("Upper mountain floors", I guess you could say.)

Q: About the roof popping... it wont pop for me... only if I move my guy in the building... not as you said, when near/next to a wall... (Not talking about the invisible-tiles-at-the-doors trick)

A: If the roof won't pop for you there could be a couple of reasons.

1) You have not generated new Occlusion Data since you placed (or even just moved) the roof.

2) "Enable Roof Popping" isn't checked/ticked. This is under "View".

3) If you're moving the actor to a position near/next to the wall facing you it will not pop to roof until he/she/it is in the doorway. If you want the roof to pop from anywhere in front all you have to do is add those nauseating, pink tiles along the front of the building at the same elevation as the upper-story floor.

Q: I can't seem to get my stair case to work. In my level I made two test stair cases. I have them both tagged as climbable. One of them when I click, the guy just sort of looks around and doesn't do anything. The other one, he climbs up them, but climbs them like they are a ladder. What can I do to get him to walk up the steps, but not to climb them like a ladder?

Highlight both of your staircases and turn the Climable flag OFF. That flag is for ladders, not stairs. In the case of one of your staircases the tiles are probably close enough to be recognized as a ladder (the one which causes the character to climb) and FUBAR in the other case.

In order for your stairs to work, simply place them on the map - using the "Display Tile Bounding Box" to line them up correctly if necessary - then use Tools/Update Tiles followed by "Tools/New Occlusion Data" and presto you should have a working stair case.

In general, you should not need to add flags to your tiles, although they often do not appear until you've updated the tiles and the occlusion data. There are exceptions, e.g. in the case of tiles you want flagged as an exit grid.

Q: The floor-tiles in the missions are on level -1 not 0 as the tutorial said... now, which is correct/proper?

A: -The only real flaw I've found in GB's tutorial is his insistance on your using elevation 0 to start with. Maybe he just did that to make it easier to follow his instructions, but he makes it seem as though it were somehow vital. It really doesn't matter what your default level is. If you want to, you could start as low as level -128, provided that you didn't want any sort of depression. (The elevation limits are -128 to 128 for a level.)

-Indoor and outdoor floor tiles do not need to be on the same level. In fact, I prefer to put a "lip" of "caps" around my indoor floors, so that they are 1 level higher than the outdoor floors. Sometimes I go even further with this and will add up to 4 levels. This is especially good if you're going to add a patio/porch/veranda to your building.

Q: The stairs and ladders are not enough! I want to add an elevator somewhere. Is this possible? I was thinking of adding in an exit area w/ doors that close behind your, or a way to maybe choose what floor you would like to go to, but I have no idea how to go about doing this.

A: You cant actually have an elevator that travels between floors in the same map.

If you use object script states with terminal switches, you can toggle to what map the exit grid sends you.

For example, with conditions:
All Alive at Exit Grid
Object Script State: Switch1

You can set the exit grid "elevator" to Action:
Open Mission: Floor1.mis

Then have a separate switch for floor 2, and another for floor 3, etc... Create a trigger like the one above for each floor.

Alternatively, if you only have 3 floors, youll only need 1 object script state that toggles between which of the two other floors to send the elevator to.


Q: Is it possible(how?) to link/bound/glue/or_something_like_that two missions in the purpose of achieving a town effect like in FO2... you know what i mean...

A: Yes, you can link missions together like a FO/FO2 town in FoT. You can use the trigger "Go to mission" rather than the "End Mission: World Map". There is a problem with it, though. Let's say that you're going to do this with three missions. You would have to end the first mission with "Go to Mission 2", the second mission with "Go to Mission 3" and the third mission with "End Mission: World Map". This means that every time you go into that town, you would have to go through all three maps in order to leave. I think you might be able to solve this with switches, but that would be pretty cheesy too, since you'd have to have something (pop-up world text, an NPC "tour guide", etc.) let the player know that he/she could do this.

In order to have the non-entry-level missions not display on world map you simply don't put the triggers in to uncover them. Basically, this is what the three Vault-0 missions do in the core campaign.



Q: You have a mission; one mission has 4 edges, right? , so you define 4 game-zones right next to those 4 edges (N,S,W,E) now comes the tricky part:

I think you can make it in 2 ways(one of 'em not sure if possible)

A: (The simpler way - not sure if this is possible) you make those zones IN THE EXITGRID'S "zone" = >


All at exit grid - AND in zone N *action* go to mission 2

All at exit grid - AND in zone S *action* go to mission 3

All at exit grid - AND in zone S *action* go to mission 4

All at exit grid - AND in zone E *action* end mission

Said not sure if possible because I donno if you can put the zone IN the exit grid

The other way … this IS a tricky one

You put the zones right in front of the exit grid 1 tile wide =>



Player in zone N *action* set TOWN_PART_TO_GO_TO = N

Player in zone S *action* set TOWN_PART_TO_GO_TO = S etc

All at exit grid - AND TOWN_PART_TO_GO_TO = = N *action* go to mission 2

All at exit grid - AND TOWN_PART_TO_GO_TO = = S *action* go to mission 3 etc

(Maybe the syntax I have used is not correct but you can see the big picture)

Of course you make this for all 4 missions

Using your idea of zones/grids you could even get as fancy as laying out 9 maps like this:




Using the grids and zones you could have Mission A leading to the World Map, Mission B, Mission D, or even Mission E if you wanted to put a grid on the SE corner...

Don't worry about the syntax. You don't have to write the triggers yourself, you simply select them from menus, although occasionally you have name things, and in that case you just have to make sure that you get the names straight each time you use them. (Yes, they're case-sensitive, too.)

PS If you can think of something regarding dialogue, good luck. Dialogue would make this game every bit put this game in a league above both FO/FO2 and FoT. The only way seems to be to re-write the game engine, though. MF/IP/14° East might have a thing to say about that, though.

Yes, I'm saying your idea of combining the exit grids and zones would work. That is great because it is simple, since setting up zones is as easy as poiting and clicking three times and giving the zone a name. (I'll have to check to see if it is possible to put a "Quantity Unit" trigger in with the "All Alive" qualifier, that way you can't park people in different exit zones and give the game heartburn. *lol*



В начало темы


Q: I open a mission... lets say the farmer special encounter; how can I see what stuff he has on him ?

A: - Looking at people's stuff. It depends on where the stuff was added, but there are only two options.

1) With the mission open either click on "Edit Entity" or just hit the F4 key. Left click on the appropriate entity, then scroll down to where his inventory items are. If it was added in the mission, it will be displayed here. If there is nothing there, or to see if he has still more stuff...

2) Open the Entity Editor and open the appropriate entity file. (You can see the entity file name displayed at the top of the Level Editor when you have an entity selected.) Just look under the "Inventory" and "Equipped" tabs.

Q: I created a vehicle and set it so that it requires a part to fix.

I created a drive shaft entity to be the part you have to use to fix it.

I made the drive shaft origionally a generic item, that didn't work so I made it a repair item.

I have the option to use the object, but when I do the guy just gets into the jeep, he doesn't fix.

Anyone know how to make a vehicle that requires a part to repair it?

A: I have been thinkering with this for the past few days and here's what I've found:

1) Create a "Repair Item" and save it. You won't need a tag name for it. Optionally, place a tick/check mark in the box "Remove on Exit" under "Collectable". I'll explain that later.

2) Create a vehicle which is going to need repairing. Place a tick/check mark in the box "Needs Repair Item". You may also click on the blank bar at the top and set a modifier for using the item. Positive numbers represent a penalty. If you are soft/merciful you can put a bonus to the Repair Roll by entering a negative number.

3) Click on the elipsis for the field "Required Repair Item", then navigate to the Repair Item you created earlier and double-click on it.

Now, when a character goes to repair the vehicle, he/she will have to have both the Repair Item as well as a Tool Kit in his/her Active Item Slots. So far I've only used fresh Super Tool Kits and they are completely used up in the process. This also does not repair any damage to the vehicle, but simply restores it to a state where normal repairs are possible. The Repair Item will not be used up during the operation, and this is why you might want to tick/check the box "Remove on Exit". This doesn't seem to be an option if you're going to have the vehicle that needs the part on a seperate map, however.



PS If anyone has anything to add to this, I'd love to hear it. "Knowledge not shared is lost," and all that.

PPS After further experimentation I've found that all you need to do is use your Repair skill while having the Repair Item in your active item slot. The Repair Item is then used up, so you don't have any unsightly, loose ends hanging around. You are then "go for launch" for repairing any HP that the vehicle may or may not be lacking.

Q: 1. ...nope... this time you don't get me ... the action should make something like: when on squares n,m,p,o or r (in the worldmap) make available an encounter and get it automatically... you can't get that encounter before:
"Variable 'CVAR_X_Visited_Once' is 'True'"
"Variable 'CVAR_Y_Visited_Once' is 'True'"
"Variable 'CVAR_Z_Gave_Food' is 'False'"
but then you'll get it automatically when on certain squares... that was my question...

2. Clear, thanx (what is the index for computer controlled chars. ? if possible... you know someone to shoot at...)

A: 1. To be honest, I'm not quite sure if you can do that. You could set up a mission in a specific square that would only be open when certain conditions were met, but I don't think you can alter the chance of a Special Random Encounter with variables.

2. You'll have to set up the "Team Matrix" for this. Go to "Level" and set up two teams and set their alignment to a negative number. The lower the number, the more they hate each other. Then, press the "Players" button (in "Level") and set up a new player. Name it whatever you want - I like "Travelling Dildo Salesmen" myself - and set the team to "2". Any targets enemies you want to place on the map will have to have their "Player Index" set to "2". Also, set Index #2 to "Player: Computer".

Q: How do you program keys to be able to unlock specific doors? And how do you program holodisks to say things?

A: You will have to create an item of the "Key" type. You'll have to assign a "Tag Name" (e.g. Back_Door). Then use the "Edit Entity" function and assign the identical "Tag Name" to the door(s) you want it to work on. It's as simple as that.

I'm not sure about Holodisks. I haven't had to put any together yet.

Q: I'm making a mod where the main character is, essentially, a bad guy. In fact, he's a member of a Raider gang. So how can I set up the level where you start (i.e., get your instructions from the gang leader) so that there are Raiders who won't attack the main character? Does it have anything to do with "Entity Edit" and "Team," etc.? I don't really know what I'm talking about... I don't want the Raiders to be controlled by me for battle purposes, I just want them walking around like the NPC BOS scribes and stuff in the bunkers.

Basically, is there any way to make non combatant raiders who will never get violent?

A: Well you can get any character to be a good guy. All you have to do is go to team on the level tab, with the grid like thing. left click and right click on the boxes to make them like or dislike each other. diehard goodguys would be a blue box with a 10, same with bad guys -10 with red box.You can also make your allies (the raiders) dislike another group, like BOS and they will fight each other.

Not sure if you know this but also on the level tab is the player... button, inside it is where you can set what teams are controlled by Humans, or Computers which is where you make the raiders who will like you. To make a Char part of that team, before you place one down, it has team at the top of the entity bar, change that to the number your raiders are.

Ok, I was thinking "Wait, it really would be impossible to make the hostages join a player's team, so what should I do?"
So I reffered to mission23 and looked at all the prisoners there.
Then I learned of a magical thing called "waypoints"
Also looking at that I learned how to script speech files and zones!
I now have the [near]perfect hostage system!

Player talks to hostage, hostage runs through way points, hostage reaches safe area, and team 1 gains 1 reputation.
CT recues all hostages, earns 4 reputation, wins the level.
Hehe it's a start.

Well now that I've got the hostage system down, anybody got any ideas on how I can implement awarding money to the winning team?
I know how to do it just for the CTs but if the terrorists won they'd get no money at all..
So I need ideas on that, since that'd be kinda difficult.
I was thinking "npc gives item to player" but.. dunno.. maybe I'll just have the vendor give money out if the condition is that their team wins, then they buy shit from vendor.
yah :D

Condition: Hostage NPC Can see Human
Action: Hostage NPC Joins Human's team

Q: As for buying mercenaries, that's a bit more difficult. I would suggest you do like suggested by someone else and have a merc require the completion of a quest, first. Otherwise, try this:

A: Have your player find a merc commander and buy a holodisk that is tagged with a merc's name. Then go find that merc in his barracks and talk to him. He says his intro. He then detects that you have his holodisk (assignment?) and joins your team (player index). The better mercs would have more expensive holodisks, etc.
As for weapon shops and all that, just use normal people with the ability to barter. You'd have to manually place all their equip on them using the entity editor, though. Please keep in mind, dont make all (or even really good) weapons available right away. That would make the game much too easy. Easy games are boring...

Black Isle had different set of triggers and actions due to the fact that FO2 was an rpg and this is a combat oriented game. This one is no less complex, though. In fact, I'd bet FOT is MORE complex. FOT has far more better fighting scripts. It has waypoints. It has mobility, aggression, communication, and other settings that werent there in the previous FOs. Think about how bad fighting was in the earlier FOs. Enemies didnt have any strategy at all in the previous FOs. Stand, shoot, die. Lets see you program an action scene like Kansas city in FO2. See you in 20 years.

The only thing about Vault City I cant think of how to do is the speech oriented components. In fact, a city in FOT is more realistic due to the addition of waypoints. People can actually walk around in FOT and make the city look alive. FOT has plenty of complexity. No, it doesnt have many RPG elements but they arent necessary: this isnt an RPG. Everything asked for in this thread can be done. And it would not take that long at all. Scripting a city would be no different than scripting a bunker and I've already explained how that merc thing could be done.

For me, I'd be far more worried about tiling the map than triggering it. Good tilework takes 10 times longer than scripting for me. And the scripting will get faster when I learn the stuff better and dont need to experiment as much.


Q: This is a guide to not as much editing and creating entities like new guns and whatnot (which is fairly self evident) but also how to get your new descriptions to appear in the game instead of "No description available".

A: -Create your new entity, or edit an existing entity. In either case, it is HIGHLY recommended you give it a unique name.

-The Description name under the Name section should match the Entity's real file name in whatever Entity directory in correct for that kind of entity and it is CASE SENSATIVE. There is a seperate directory for each kind of entity.

I think although I am not 100% sure that you have to follow the conventions of that item name-type that Microforte used. For example, if you want to create a new kind of MP5 from the original mp5Sub.ent file, you have to name your new weapon something unique and append the "Sub.ent" onto the end of it like all the other SMGs in C:\Program....\Entities\Weapons\SMG. Note the upper case "S", and that all other characters are lower case.

-Update your entity with the Update command on the File Menu in the editor. This is a CRITICAL step. If you place your new entity without doing this it will work but will not have any descriptions. Even if you go back and fix the entity and THEN Update, the entity you made without doing that step is FUBAR so you'll have to delete it and place it again with the corrected version. I found that out the hard way after wasting about 5 hour trying to figure out what was wrong.

-Change the description in items.txt. Once again, case sensative and the names must match exactly with the actual entity file name AND the Description name in the properties of the entity.

Your new entry in the items.txt must also be in the correct place with all the other respective entites in the same class (for example, all SMGs you add must be in the //SMG section). I'm not 100% on the importance of this but it's a good idea anyway.

-Add whatever modes of fire you may have added to the entity to weapons.txt

-Change whatever descriptions you may have made to ammo entities to not only items.txt but ALSO to ammo.txt descriptions. Also once again case sensative and the names must match exactly with the file name and Description in the entity properties.

After you do this, you might want to Update again just for the hell of it. I didn't have to though I don't think (I was half asleep when I was doing this though).

If you've created your own weapons and ammunition, you might not want the original hard coded gear you start the game with to appear.

For example, say you redid the description for 9mm ball ammo and don't want mixed descriptions for the same item in your mod, or you made a new MP5 (one that can actually kill people, for example) and you don't want the original to appear. Or say you simply want to start your characters off with melee items or a pistol instead.

What you can do is simply take a cookie or iguana on a stick and name it "mp5Sub.ent" or whatever you are replacing's REAL entity name in the Core directory in your mod directory. The mod directory entity will be picked up first instead of the entity in the core directory. I've tested this and it works.

You don't need to follow directory or name conventions for your new entites after all. You can name your entities whatever you want and name the dir anything you want. BUT it IS case sensative. So no matter what you do you have to have exactly matching names in for entries in the items.txt, Description Name field in the Entity, and the entities true file name.

Q: Is there a method by scripting or whatever to force one character as the Main Character?

A: Place all four entities on the map set to player index 0 (for example). Assign tag names to the entities. Set up an always run trigger to change the "main character" to player index 1. Place a two second delay, then change the other three to player index 1. This should force the first character changed to player index 1 to be the main character from that point out.

-Lord Percival

Without making a campaign (which normally defines the main character as part of the creation/selection process), there is no specific scripting way to do this.

You could fudge it, however, by placing the single character you want as main on one player group (Player 1), placing the other squad members on another (Player 2), deactiviating the second Player group from the start, waiting a few seconds, then transfering those players to the Player 1 group using the CHANGE PLAYER action (you'll have to give the other squaddies tag names). This sounds a little confusing, but it should work.

Q: I've created some new characters with specific names and a new mission that they are in. I've added their little blurb to the "character.txt" file like Talion describes but it doesn't show up when I play the mission. What am I doing wrong?

I remember making a few of these before I got stuck on making maps.

The way i did mine was completly editing a few of the characters that were already there, such as the prefab and a few recruits that i never use.

I did the story by going into the core/local/game folder and i opened up the characters file. this is were the character stories are located. just find the character you wanna mess with and start rewriting a story. You can change their names here, too.

I had to go even farther after that because otherwise, all that would change is the story. the character would look the same. so i used the entity editor and changed the sprite to a dog. after that, I had to delete the .zar file for that character in the core/gui/char folder, then replace it with the dog's picture(.zar file) but useing the name of the characer. - for example:

CORE_rec_hm07.zar is the original file.

I deleted the file and copied mp_dg01.zar, which is the dog's picture.

I then renamed "copy of mp_dg01.zar" into CORE_rec_hm07.zar,

which was the file I first deleted.

The *.ent file name is absolutely of no significance when assigning names and/or descriptions to people. The important part is the "Display Name". It is this that must match the entry in the characters.txt, not the name of the file.

For instance, if you have a recruit you want to name the file name could be "MyRecruit_01.ent", but the Display Name could be "JJ86_hm01" and you would enter the following in the characters.txt:

name_JJ86_hm01 = { Jimmy Jay }

desc_JJ86_hm01 = { Jimmy Jay began his career as a techno-archivist with the BoS. Then he decided that his talents could be better put to use in the field and put in for a transfer. He excells at repairing things and has a broad scientific background. He is also a fair hand with small arms. )

The advantage to using the "Display Name" rather than the file name comes in mainly with NPCs. For instance all of the non-Scribe, non-Elder BoS personell show up as "Warrior" and this is due to the fact that their Display Names are all set to "CORE_bos".



PS The *.zar file associated with your recruit must be named the same as the display name as well. In the above example the image for the recruit should be name "JJ86_hm01.zar".

Q: What's the difference between Actor entities and Character entities?

Is it possible to use a unique item on an NPC that would trigger maybe a speech box, I want it to be "useable" on NPC that are IN my squad already?! (Uh... and can be this "special item" be a new "firing mod" of one of my hands? Like the 3rd right click on an empty hand)

And a very similar one: I want to make an NPC that has a crippled arm, but you can't heal him! You can heal him only with a unique item, as well a broken car that can't be used until you "repair it" with a unique item!

A: 1) Actors are anything living or once living on a map. It includes that Raider that you had start the mission already killed, but not a computer console that the PCs can activate. Characters are squad members used in multiplayer games.

2) Having your squad mates speak isn't possible. I wanted to add some flavor ala FO2 and have various characters run around spouting various lines. It didn't work. Too bad, it would have been very amusing, especially since I was going to have them react to each other as well. ("Myron, you step outta line and I'm gonna cut you...")

Doing something like adding another mode to your main character's hand would involve creating another race, or else all actors of the "BoS" race.

There are "Generic Items" in the game, but these do not have modes of operation. They are usually items that the PCs need to complete a mission, such as the Robot Arm in Rock Falls, or the Fusion Batteries in Peoria. You can't use these things for anything other than having them complete mission goals, though.

3) Crippled limbs are healed using the Doctor skill in conjunction with a Doctor's Bag, no ifs, ands or buts.

There are "Repair Items" in the game. You have to create an entity of that type, then have a vehicle that has the "Requires Repair Item" field checked/ticked. There is a field that you enter the name of the item in, or you can browse to it by clicking on the elipsis ("...") to the right of it.

I've been experimenting with that last bit. I found that the procedure is bugged. I had a character with a Super Tool Kit try to repair it, and he managed to. All it did was remove the need for an item and used up the entire Super Took Kit, however. (So if you're going to do this, I would recommend not having any Super Tool Kits available at that point...)

В начало темы


Q: I was really enthusiastically starting my Fallout + Fallout 2 mod for FO:T, but I ran into a brick wall after the first few steps - I can't make single player maps that have events that trigger ONLY when I come in first time. In other words, I can't make the game understand when I'm entering the town for the first, and when the second, third, etc. time. Help, anyone?

A: This is a trigger headache, btw.

What you need is a couple of mission variables that your triggers check. When your mission variables initialize, make a mission variable called "First_Visit_Complete", or something equally informative, and set it to "False". Also, make one more for each of the visits that you want it to affect. (Second_Visit_Complete, etc.)

For your mission ending, you'll need:

Condition: "Bos has all alive at exit grid", and "Mission Variable 'First_Visit_Complete' is 'False'.

Action: "Set mission variable 'First_Visit_Complete' to 'True'", plus any other things like mission debriefing, changing the campaign variable for this mission to complete, etc.

So now you have the triggers recognizing that you've been there once. For you next visit you'd need something like this for your mission ending:

Condition: "BoS has all alive at exit grid", "Mission variable 'First_Visit_Complete' is 'True', "Mission variable 'Second_Visit_Complete' is 'False'

Action: "Set mission variable 'Second_Visit_Complete' to 'True', etc.

Do you get the picture? Also, remember that if you want the number of times you've visited a place to affect other areas make those mission variables campaign variables. Also, make sure that "Nuke Triggers on Exit" isn't ticked for the map(s) you're working with, since this disables all of the triggers when you leave the map.

Q: First I would like you to tell me about those triggers you mentioned... and an idea how to make some messages in the msg. window about reputation (karma ?) I would like to be shown with the changes/amount off 'em.

A: The problem with what you want to do is that there is so much hard-coded into the game engine that you'd have to take some steps that would probably look pretty cheesy. You can't get a reputation gain to display in the text window like it does for experience.

Things that are set off by triggers are set up to do things a certain way, and this goes beyond editing simple text files to get it to do what you'd like it to do.

Triggers involve two things: a condition(s), and action(s). For instance, let's say that you have a prisoner (with a tag-name of "Prisoner") on your map that can be freed and the PCs will get experience and a reputation gain if he/she makes it to a certain point alive. You could set up the following trigger:


'Prisoner' has exactly 1 alive at 'Escape Zone'


Deactive 'Prisoner'
Award 200 xp to BoS
Add 100 Reputation to Main Character

This would cause the 'Prisoner' to disappear, the text box would read "Gained 200 experience points" and if you checked your Reputation and just happened to go up a level you'd notice it.

The only thing that you could do it do add another action "Display World Text", which causes a window to pop up like you've seen when either General Barnaky or Dekker lets you know that you've completed an objective. You could have a node in the speech file for the mission that could say something along the lines of:

"Good job, you're my hero for saving this poor woman."

[+100 Reputation]

If that's the route you'd like to go, it is "do-able". AFAIK, you'd have to hack the game to get it to display in the text window, though. Sorry to disappoint.



Q: 1. Is there a possibility to make a trigger/ event (or something) in this way: on the world map you have 2 towns: A and B; you get some quests that require that your character walks from A to B to A to B and so on, when he had hit this road n times a trigger/ event (or something) gets him a SE (I donno... something like a fellow saying "you come by here many times in the last days... hm... here is some food so you wont starve" yes this is a trivial example but you get my point)
2. Is it hard coded or settable the amount of XP needed for the level up, the amount of rep points needed for the rep to grow? If hard coded where can I check all the numbers (calculation purpose)

A: 1. Yes, you could make a trigger that did that. You would have to set up a couple of "campaign variables" to do this.

For your example, let's use the following:


In mission "X" you would add a trigger:


"BoS All Alive at Exit Grid"
"'CVAR_X_Visited_Once' is 'False'"


"Set variable 'CVAR_X_Visited_Once' to 'True'"
"End Mission: World Map", etc.

Do the same thing for town "Y", changing the appropriate items. Then you would need the following in your mission for town "X":


"Variable 'CVAR_X_Visited_Once' is 'True'"
"Variable 'CVAR_Y_Visited_Once' is 'True'"
"Variable 'CVAR_Z_Gave_Food' is 'False'"


"Unit 'AA' will use Speech Node 'MYY_Old_Fart_01_W'"
"Give item(s) tagged 'Gift_Food' to BoS"

If some of this seems unclear, it will become clear as you learn about Triggers, Speech and Entities.

2. I'm pretty sure that the XP and Rep levels are hard-coded into the engine. (You could change the titles for Rep, with a text-editing program, though.) If you want to know the XPs need to gain levels, you can use the "Level" function in the Entity Editor to increase an entity's level and look at the XP field each time you do it. The Rep points needed to advance a level seem to be the same as in FO2, but don't quote me on that. I don't know where you could get a hold of them, either. (In fact, I'd like to know myself...*lol*)

Q: 1. I now know how to add speech and rpg elements. But how can I give items from the NPC to the Human? They seem to need some kind of a Tag name and only things I can tag is to make a door need key tagged 'key1' then create a key with tag name 'key1'... But what about stimpacks, bullets etc?

A: One easy way is to trigger speech when your player sees the NPC. First you musta have created at least the player 1(you, human) and player 2 (the NPC) in the LEVEL / PLAYERS - screen. Then place your starting char (or if it's a campaign, forget it) and the NPC. Then trigger like this:

FORCE SPEECH --- PLAYER NPC --- UNIT *Text File* (M01_playernpc_A00_W, M03_playernpc_C03_W etc... )

And that's how it works. Or then you can make the windowed speech work as click speech. If you don't want the same windowed text to show up next time or change it to a floating text, try this:

SPEECH OCCURED --- PLAYER HUMAN --- PLAYER NPC --- EVENT *The text file discription*


Q: Is there a way to respawn enemy soldiers in single player campaign , during the battle and latter revisit ? Like to have enemy reinforcement to make the game more challenging. Plus the maps are beautiful I like to hang around and play with them much longer than just one pass through.

A: I've never tried respawning enemies in SP, but here is something that works:

All of the enemies do not need to be visible on the map when players enter. All you need to do is to have one or more "Player Indexes" set up on "Deactivate". While you will see them on the map while you are editing, they will not appear when you start the mission.

In order to simulate reinforcements, you can simply have a trigger(s) set up so that they are activated when something happens. You could, for instance set the trigger up so that they are activated when the players reach a certain point, or if enemies in a certain area take a certain number of losses, or only have a certain number of people left alive in an area, etc., etc.

To activate them you will have to set them to a certain type of AI. This could be "Stationary", "Waypoints" (which could be used to have them appear at a certain point and move to another point), or Random Waypoints. You can also set the priority at which they move, the speed, etc.

If you have questions regarding how to do any of the above, read the ReadMe that came with the editors. After that, if you still have questions, I can help you more if you'd like.



Q: I was thinking about an NPC disappearing - appearing in a map...

So I opened the first bunker map and looked at Nanuk...

So I know now how to "deactivate" and do the "stationary at anywhere" thing with the triggers... but how do I do it from the editor? How do I place "Nanuk" there and mark him deactivated???

A: Activating and deactivating entities is easy. Here's what you do:

Set up a Player Index and make sure that it is set to a particular Team. The AI for an index can be set to "Deactivate" to have the actor(s) not be on the map initially. Alternately, you can set them set to "Stationary", "Way Points", etc. and then have a trigger which deactivates them, which just changes their AI. If you have them set to "Deactivate" initially you will have to set up a trigger that sets their AI to "Stationary", etc. A good example of this is the guards that appear if you get into a fight in any of the bunkers.

You can also affect smaller numbers of actors or even a single individual within a group by using "Tag Names". These are added to entities either when you design them using the Entity Editor, or you can assign them using the "Edit Entity" function in the Level Editor.

Speech Trees

Well it's not speech trees, and it is a bit of a story and scripting chore, but it is possible to create missions where player choice has real effects on what happens. I've started crunching out a "quick and dirty" pair of missions that allow this.

In a nutshell, #1 is a special encounter where you recieve a garbled radio transmission. You get a text window with the info, a few seconds after it closes, you receive a second message giving the coordinates. The player is presented with two options and exit grids. If you choose to investigate, you walk into grid #1 which links you directly to a "hidden" mission. Choose not to investigate, walk to grid #2 and get an end mission report and some other "things". I've got mission #1 working as advertized. Now I'm starting #2, which at this point will be a defensive "holding action", or in reality, another scripting test bed.

NPC interaction will be dificult but not impossible to implement. Until I get smarter and more familar with the editor, the only way I see to implement it is to have the NPC give his speech, presenting the PC with instructions. If you want to help save my village, pick up the blue rock from that table, etc. Klunky, yes. Hokey, ok yes. A scripting nightmare if many such decisions are offered in a level, guilty as charged. Pratical and worth the effort? For my money, yes.

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